Council approves Spain as mission field, discusses make-up of EMC Ministerial
Delegates gathered on June 11, 2022, both in the Steinbach Bible College chapel and online, in EMC’s first hybrid Conference Council meeting.
Not-So-Late Show provides entertainment and challenge
It was with curiosity and perhaps some hesitation that we gathered for the EMC Festival Not-So-Late Show on June 10, 2022. What would acknowledging the past and looking to the future in a “classic late show format” be like?
Two believers baptized
Mike, an older Ukrainian man, and Sylvia, who was for many years with the Canadian Armed Forces, were baptized on May 22, 2022.
A roadmap to effective congregational planning
How do you do effective congregational planning? Darrell Kehler of SCOPE Leadership Development was asked to answer this question at the June 10, 2022, Ministerial meeting.
It’s all Greek to you?
Partaking of a potluck meal of traditional foods made by our brothers and sisters from many nations of the world was an encouragement to continue efforts to reach all peoples with the greatest message ever: Jesus Christ, died, buried and risen for all!
Steinbach Bible College holds in-person graduation
Steinbach Bible College celebrated the graduating class of 2022 with a live in-person ceremony at the Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church in Steinbach, Man., on April 23, 2022. A total of 28 graduates were recognized with five certificates, four AAs, and 19 BA degrees.
Pastors and misconduct in the EMC: how do we respond?
The EMC has been led for two centuries by a host of godly, humble pastors whose service was and continues to be above reproach. But we have also had pastors who were not trustworthy and who took advantage of people under their care.
Sadness: the bridge from stress to strength
Sadness is a universal emotional experience, yet our current culture tells us sadness is something to avoid. We perceive it as the opposite of happiness, fearing that feeling sad puts us at risk of a mood disorder.
Region 1 leaders gather for learning and encouragement
Over the years, the Region 1 churches (northern Alberta and B.C.) have met every two years for a retreat, bringing leadership together for fellowship and inspiration. After missing the retreat in 2020, the churches met again April 29–May 1, 2022.
Fasts honoured for years of missionary service
The Board of Missions (BOM) held the annual Missionary Fellowship on June 8, 2022, to recognize the service of Lesley and Marianne Fast, who are soon moving back to the Netherlands.
Abundant Springs 2022
On May 21, 2022, 13 youth and three leaders from Straffordville EMC and New Life Christian Fellowship joined hosts Travis and Macey Plett and Sarah Barkman at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre for the first-ever Abundant Springs Ontario event.
Closure of Northern Fellowship Chapel
We thank God for the 62 years of faithful witness of the Northern Fellowship Chapel to the community surrounding Creighton.
Maybe self-sufficiency isn’t the goal
Let me introduce you to my new home. It’s a city where roses bloom in the winter and some trees stay green all year.
Awesome KidMin conference provides connection, teaching
After two years of Zoom, it felt amazing to connect face-to-face with other people in Manitoba and beyond who share a passion for kids and ministry.
How can EMCers help Afghan Christian refugees?
The EMC General Board is encouraging EMC churches to consider sponsoring Afghan Christian refugee families to come to Canada. EMC and other Mennonite denominations have an agreement with MCC Canada to provide the sponsorship support for this initiative.
From southern Manitoba to Israel, Ukraine and beyond
Although a myriad of stuff has been happening within and around us, it seems timely to write about our church’s international mission emphasis. Our church has been going through a six-week series detailing these ministries.
‘I was pastor to a lot of people who didn’t attend church’
Around 2009 I realized I was pastor to a lot of people who didn’t attend church while the church we had planted was losing momentum.
Blanket exercise brings hope for reconciliation
Twenty-six attendees spent the evening of March 19, 2022, interacting and listening to learn about the history of our Indigenous communities in Canada and the impact of contact with white settlers/Europeans who came to live in this great land.
The nations are gathering at Abbeydale
It is indeed a blessing to be joined together in worship with people of other nations. The blessing becomes even more tangible when born-again believers who have been raised in other beliefs or countries intentionally choose to become a part one’s own church body.