Region 1 leaders gather for learning and encouragement
Over the years, the Region 1 churches (northern Alberta and B.C.) have met every two years for a retreat, bringing leadership together for fellowship and inspiration. After missing the retreat in 2020, the churches met again April 29–May 1, 2022. All six Region 1 churches—Island Gospel Fellowship (Burns Lake, B.C.), Vanderhoof Christian Fellowship (B.C.), Westpointe Community Church (Grande Prairie, Alta.), High Level Christian Fellowship (Alta.), La Crete Christian Fellowship and Hillside Christian Fellowship (Alta.)—were represented by pastors, ministerial members and others.
Region 1 pastors, ministerial members and others gathered in Hinton, Alta., for a time of learning and encouragement. (Photo supplied)
This year, instead of the usual facilities of Peace River Bible Institute in Sexsmith, Alta., we met in the Best Western in the beautiful “Gateway to the Rockies” town of Hinton, Alta.
Our schedule included a Get-(re)acquainted session Friday evening. Saturday morning held an inspirational session, with visiting and relaxing in the afternoon. Some opted for the walking trails, some for a drive to the Athabasca Falls near Jasper (about 80 kms), and some of us thought a mid-day nap was quite recreational. Sessions were also held Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
Each session included singing, church reports, and inspirational/teaching messages by Conference Pastor Layton Friesen.
Session 1 – from Matthew 8 and 9: What attracted people to Jesus? What attracted [you] to Jesus? and “Are you in love with Jesus?”
Session 2 – from Mark 10–14: What aspects of Jesus did people find offensive? In what ways was he a stumbling block? “Jesus’ presence seemed to always split the crowd.”
Session 3 – from John 13:36ff: How did [I] get the Lord’s table? Jesus has gone where the disciples cannot go. After the resurrection he appears to people as a stranger, yet he calls his followers “brothers” and “friends.” He has become a different kind of friend than before.
Jared Schroeder then led us in communion.
It was a refreshing, encouraging weekend of warm fellowship, mutual encouragement and learning together.