Our fight for freedom
Before we’ve even learned to walk, we humans begin fighting for freedom; first, in play but then more seriously as we object to authority, consequences, expectations, guilt, pain, doubt, anxiety, and death—the freedom wish list is very long.
Love that conquers shame
At a subconscious level, I have a fear of being shown up as deficient, of not being enough. Each of us struggles at some level with the feeling that we come up short, that we’re not good enough in our own eyes or the eyes of someone else.
Our magnificent God, the Creator
As a teenager, I convinced my parents that I should join their 25th wedding anniversary trip. We crossed the ocean with a suitcase full of ventriloquist puppets and landed with astonishment during a protest at the international airport in Bangalore, India.
Homemade lollipops and unmerited favour
Bzzz. Bzzz. The dog barked her warning that someone was at the door. It was just about 10 at night—acceptable here in our host country where many are eating dinner at this hour. Because I was already getting ready to end the day, my husband ran down the stairs to answer.
MCC partners in Ukraine work to meet physical and spiritual needs
In the silence that lived between the deadly warnings of air raid sirens, the sound of a small choir, singing a song of praise, echoed out of a church sanctuary in western Ukraine. Just the night before, Anna*, administrative coordinator for MCC Ukraine, had absent-mindedly hummed a few bars of the song during an evening tea break at the church.
He’s a tough act to follow
Jesus has always been a tough person to follow. The church has never mastered the art of imitating the whole Jesus. Its easy to say “Jesus” and then change the subject to something more manageable. Why does Jesus make himself so hard to follow?
Shigematsu explores how love releases from shame
Shame is one of the most universal human experiences. Whether we are young or old, students or teachers, leaders or followers, all of us can identify with the sting of failure. For many pastors and ministry leaders this season of division and loss has brought with it deep feelings of inadequacy and exhaustion. How do we combat the feeling in our souls that we aren’t enough, or that we don’t measure up?
The fun of peacemaking
Most of us don’t think of peacemaking as an endeavour we would call “fun.” It is hard, messy and difficult work. There is, however, a strategic element of peacemaking that includes an intentional focus on shared recreational activities.
EMC missionaries share about media ministry
Media is one way some EMC missionaries minister: from radio work to filming projects, from social media campaigns to audio recordings distributed by WhatsApp.
The stone was rolled away!
If you are looking for a piece of advice this Easter season, I can provide one from the outset: Never move a piano. At the very least, never try to move one on your own.
EMC Hires New Communications Assistant
The Personnel Committee of the EMC General Board is very pleased to announce that Adrienne Funk has been hired to fill the role of Communications Assistant.
We Are Called to Welcome All Refugees
A country at war pushes people to seek refuge, to migrate.
Layton Friesen Leaves EMC for SBC Role
STEINBACH, Man.—We are saddened to report that Layton Friesen will be concluding his time as Conference Pastor with the EMC.
Pastoral Couple Accepted as Members
Kola, Man.—On Sunday, January 16, 2022, Pastor Ernest Reimer and his wife Sherridan were accepted into church membership at the Kola Evangelical Mennonite Church.
The scriptural pebbles in my shoe
“Growing up is a big job.” Our young son informed us after a hard day of learning. I get it; I feel the same way sometimes.
Training Team Members in Tirana
EASTERN EUROPE- One of the first visits Samuel made to our house after having been assigned as a field missionary was on a warm spring day. We sat in our little courtyard and he shared more about the journey of God calling him to this life.
Pastors, Church Support Parents in Dedication
PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Man.—On Sunday, January 23, 2022, Pastor Les Kroeker led Michael and Sabrina Jones as they dedicated themselves and their baby daughter Ashlynn to the Lord.
Masters of Self-Deception
I believe that any path that leads to true peace must be based on the truth. One cannot fully reconcile with someone else without acknowledging and repenting of the ways one has wronged the other. Part of being made right with God involves acknowledging the truth of our own sinful ways.
What Barabbas Got Right!
As we enter Holy Week, let’s remember Barabbas, who might enrich our sense of Easter. Usually we recall how this man, who killed in a failed rebellion against Rome, was released by Pontius Pilate and how Jesus took his place on the cross. Yet when Scripture becomes silent, Barabbas fades from our attention.