Who you gonna call?
A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe

Who you gonna call?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant onslaught of articles competing for our affections, our outrage and our hearts in general? There are times when we should disconnect from those things in order to better focus on serving the people right in front of us—yet we can’t just stick our heads in the sand forever.

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Who are you, really?
A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe

Who are you, really?

When I make a trivial mistake like proverbially tripping over my words, it doesn’t cut very deep. But when I make a mistake that challenges the parts of my identity that I take pride in, it tends to hurt very much.

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The fun of peacemaking
A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe

The fun of peacemaking

Most of us don’t think of peacemaking as an endeavour we would call “fun.” It is hard, messy and difficult work. There is, however, a strategic element of peacemaking that includes an intentional focus on shared recreational activities.

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Masters of Self-Deception
A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe

Masters of Self-Deception

I believe that any path that leads to true peace must be based on the truth. One cannot fully reconcile with someone else without acknowledging and repenting of the ways one has wronged the other. Part of being made right with God involves acknowledging the truth of our own sinful ways.

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