Steinbach Bible College holds in-person graduation
STEINBACH, Man.—Steinbach Bible College celebrated the graduating class of 2022 with a live in-person ceremony at the Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church in Steinbach, Man., on April 23, 2022. A total of 28 graduates were recognized with five certificates, four AAs, and 19 BA degrees.
Celebrations began on Friday with the annual Spring Concert to honour the college’s certificate grads. In many ways, it was a celebration of God’s faithfulness through the past challenging two years.
Commencement speaker Antonio Pitta
Joel Sawatzky, a certificate grad, expressed gratitude for his time at SBC. “Through the professor’s teachings and the opportunities here at school to serve in new ways, I have seen that the good news is not just needed across the sea; it is needed here where we live!”
He explained how the theme verse of 2 Corinthians 4:16–18 reminds him that “while now we are going through momentary struggles, the eternal glory that is to come will far outweigh everything in this life on earth. We no longer fix our eyes on the struggles in front of us. Now we look to the things unseen and yet to come.”
On Saturday, joy and excitement was in the air as the AA and BA grads walked down the aisle with family and friends by their side. Graduation is a time of reflection on the growth that has happened over the course of the student’s time of study. This group of students began their journey at SBC during the pandemic, so it was rewarding to celebrate their accomplishments alongside the community.
Noah Fehr, SBC’s class valedictorian for 2022, likened this class to Christian, the pilgrim in John Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progress. “This character met others while journeying along the straight road of faith,” he explained. “He was challenged by them, rebuked the ignorance of others, and inspired others to make the same walk of faith to the celestial city in heaven.”
Fehr continued, “We are committing to live out the call to be servant leaders who will walk that path by patterning our lives after Jesus Christ, humbly serving the church, and engaging the world.”
The commencement address was given by Antonio Pitta, an SBC Alumnus and pastor at the Iglesia Emanuel Church in Calgary, Alta. Pitta, who brought a surfboard on stage, challenged the graduating class to approach life like surfing a wave. “When I was (a swimmer) and was tossed all over the place by waves, I thought I could drown,” he shared. “The same untamable waves were being masterfully dominated by people on surfboards. You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf them.”
Pitta concluded, “As you go forward and face your uncertain future, and through the difficulties that come your way; go forward with courage and confidence knowing that God’s plans for your life are truly great.”
EMC graduates of SBC are (clockwise, from top left) Cynthia Reimer, AA Marketplace (Rosenort EMC); McKenna Barkman, BA Christian Studies (Mennville EMC); Jesse Penner, BA Christian Studies (Pleasant Valley Church); Marcus Friesen, BA Christian Studies (Fort Garry EMC); Mercedes Beveridge, BA Christian Studies (Fort Garry EMC); and Chelsea Barkman, BA Christian Studies (Mennville EMC). Not pictured are Frank Harmon, BA Biblical Studies (High Level Christian Fellowship) and Scott Dick, BA Ministry Leadership (Rosenort EMC). (SBC)