Growing Together

Growing Together is a newsletter supplement to The Messenger online but with a focus on what is happening in our culture and the issues that are challenging for the church.
As a small church conference, we cannot, and will not try to do what larger organizations do. What we will do, is discuss the issues that have an impact on us, with arguments and material to assist us to think through issues intelligently from several angles. As with everything we do, we are committed to the Bible as inspired by God and the truth by which we live.

Navigating Sexuality and Gender Questions as Parents

I recognize that the topic of sex and gender can be a very tough issue which can raise a lot of strong opinions. I ask that we remember, as we read, that there are people, probably not too far from our own circle, who are navigating this with a loved one, whether it be a child, a relative or a friend. There can often be a lot of struggle, confusion, hurt and possibly mental and emotional distress so please, let’s keep this in mind as we look at this. It is a people issue, and we want to be sensitive to the hearts and minds of those whom we may engage with.

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