Peace amid violence
The world is watching as events unfold in the West African country of Burkina Faso. Every week there are more stories of threats and terrorist attacks. These attacks and threats have caused much suffering and anguish due to loss of life and displacement.
What (or Who) makes for Christian unity?
What makes for Christian unity? It is my contention here that it is allegiance to lesser gods—including ourselves—that is at the heart of our divisions; therefore, the remedy is being de-centered by and oriented toward Jesus. This is the message of John’s Gospel.
Letters (May/June 2023)
Readers write in, responding to columnist Karla Hein, “Lucy made of light,” the report on Nicaragua, and more from previous issues of The Messenger.
Wisdom needed to deal with danger in Haiti
Beauty Out of Ashes (BOA) was established in 2017 through the vision and commitment of Gary and Mavis Unger. The Ungers had spent several years at an orphanage in Haiti when their hearts were touched by the desperate circumstances of young girls forced into domestic slavery in some of the poorest areas of Port au Prince.
Daniel and his friends
GUADALAJARA—From inside our car, we saw four young men sitting quietly under a tree. Their belongings were on the ground. We decided to approach them, to hear their stories.
The shape of vocation
Several years ago, in a mountain village of Central Asia, I remember watching a coppersmith craft a ceremonial serving dish. He held the broad metal disc in his hand and turned it around, feeling its weight and texture. He looked at it from various angles, observing how it caught the light.
Unity in a time of crisis: a Torah perspective
Can the gospel still unite the church at a time when ideological and theological factions are intensifying? I have no doubt it can, but it doesn’t have to. Let me explain what I mean by examining three texts found in the Torah: the Shema Israel (Deuteronomy 6:4–5), the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1–17; Deuteronomy 5:6–21), and the creation account (Genesis 1–3).
Is community hermeneutics still possible?
Anabaptists had their challenges with peculiar and dangerous interpretations, but they agreed that all believers had the privilege of reading Scripture, and the safeguard against heresy (and silliness) would be the believing community who discussed and interpreted the Bible together. But that’s history.
New research highlights unique aspects of small Canadian churches
There is more to the thousands of small churches in Canadian neighbourhoods than many people realize. A new study digs into the realities of these churches and examines their needs and strengths from the perspective of their pastors.
The gift of vocation
Among the most inspiring experiences in my life, I have had the privilege to be present, on numerous occasions, to observe someone doing something with great joy that they are highly skilled to do.
‘Watching the lights go on’
What an incredible responsibility to teach the Bible every day! Dave spends a lot of time studying the Word. The Lord helps him teach in a way that is easy to understand, and applicable to daily life.
Make It Out Alive music review
In an online interview with Randy Robison on LIFE Today Live, Kristian Stanfill shares that this album was “written in a time of recovery” and that while writing these songs he was “writing for survival.”
Dave Reimer will be next SBC president
Steinbach Bible College and its Board of Directors are pleased to announce that Dave Reimer will serve as the college’s next President. Reimer returns to SBC, where he was a full-time faculty member from 2007–12.
Who you gonna call?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant onslaught of articles competing for our affections, our outrage and our hearts in general? There are times when we should disconnect from those things in order to better focus on serving the people right in front of us—yet we can’t just stick our heads in the sand forever.
No boredom at Paraguayan staff retreat
Since we hadn’t had a retreat for a few years now, and being only a small group, we decided to invite the current and retired EMC missionaries with their kids and grandkids. This idea was met with enthusiasm, so we had a two-day retreat at the end of December 2022.
Whether going or coming, God is at work
Looking back on 2022, there are many things we could catch up on. We could talk about the parent-child dedication service for six young families in May. Or we might highlight the two baptism services in summer where a total of 15 were baptized.
MDS Canada returning to Cape Breton
Although thousands of fallen trees were cleaned up by Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) volunteers after the hurricane struck Cape Breton, and some roofs were patched or tarped, the organization was unable to do more before winter came.
Selling your soul, a dime a day
What are the tiny compromises by which a logger, nurse, mechanic, or masseuse gradually abandons their integrity? With the help of Terry Hiebert and Terry Kaufman, professors here at SBC, I offer such a list for pastors because that’s what I know best.
Squeaking past protestors
We are told that at this time of year this place is usually hopping with tourists coming out to enjoy the vast beaches, but this year is a little different. With all the protests going on, the town is quiet and tranquil.
EMC appoints Director of Global Outreach
The Personnel Committee is pleased to announce that George Dumitrascu has agreed to serve as EMC Director of Global Outreach. George will begin his role in the summer of 2023.