MCC responds to earthquakes in Syria
As the tragic toll of the Feb. 6 earthquakes continues to unfold in Syria, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is working with long-term partners in Aleppo and surrounding areas to meet urgent needs.
Praise in the midst of challenge
Nicaragua is an extraordinarily beautiful country with amazingly resilient people. Sadly, these people live in a geographical region that is susceptible to natural disasters and political instability.
The Strand on God’s timeline
I called it The Strand. And we were not friends. The Strand arrived unannounced on the top of my head, shiny and unwelcome among the darker occupants. I was unamused.
Letters (March/April 2023)
Readers write in, responding to various articles in previous issues of The Messenger. Also includes a letter to and from Aberdeen regarding leaving the EMC.
Can ChatGPT write about suffering?
With the breakthrough in AI technology that came through ChatGPT, people have been asking it to respond to all sorts of queries. Out of curiosity, I asked it to write an editorial on Christian suffering.
A little talk with Jesus
One of my favourite stories in the New Testament is the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13–35). As they are walking a stranger comes up beside them and starts a conversation. The stranger proceeds to explain to them what Scripture says about the Messiah. Only later do these disciples recognize the stranger is Jesus himself!
More than mere scraps
My family has had our share of medical and health struggles in recent years, which we have generally been fairly open about. Our home is no stranger to intense suffering. Through this, we have wrestled with the Lord but also come to learn invaluable truths that I wouldn’t trade for the world.
Lucy made of light
People are talking about emotions and boundaries and getting by for one more day. I’m relieved that, as a newcomer, it’s all right if I just listen. Hiding symptoms, pretending I’m OK, has become second nature, a way to go on breathing.
Piano lessons
Recently, I decided that my two children were ready to learn piano. I sat at the piano with my children beside me. Oh, the painful slowness! I imagine this is how I seem as I struggle with my unbelief.
The EFC calls for action against MAiD expansion
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) is encouraging Canadian Christians to interact with their Members of Parliament to share their concerns and grave misgivings about the planned expansion of medical assistance in dying in Canada.
MCC Canada relocates head office to downtown Winnipeg
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Canada is pleased to announce that it will relocate its national office to 330 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The move is planned for spring 2023.
Missionary missteps: even missionaries make mistakes when stepping into unfamiliar territory
These missionaries remind us that no matter how competent and prepared we are, we will make mistakes when we step out, and that’s okay.
A real, live piggy bank
Ilero and Egadu needed a friend. The couple argued a lot about not having enough money to feed and educate their three children. They hoped Friend would help them, but they had no idea how much.
The influx of immigrants— a burden or an opportunity?
Today, Canadians only have to go as far as the local grocery store or visit a shopping mall to encounter people of several different races. Believers are God’s ambassadors whether they cross the world to other countries or simply cross the street.
EMC launches its first podcast
The Armchair Anabaptist is a brand-new podcast that looks at theological issues from a uniquely Anabaptist perspective. For the first season, Kevin Wiebe and Jesse Penner are looking at the call of Jesus to love our enemies.
Undivided: Could the good news still unite the church today?
Three speakers with diverse tastes in coffee joined Terry Hiebert at Steinbach Bible College for a conversation around two questions. What are some of the key issues creating disunity in the church today? What do you think your perspective will bring to this conversation?
Mind the little things
In life, there are plenty of times when we miss the mark in small ways. Left unchecked, those little things can change our trajectory by a major distance over the long haul.
A tangible longing for peace
The longing for peace is tangible in East Africa especially among the South Sudanese refugees, as they long for an end to the suffering and their return to a country of peace.
Robinson Crusoe Christians
How many supports do you need to keep you following Jesus? What if God would rather show off, in your life, how he can bring a saint home with almost no provisions?
Engaging the next generation of workers
Calvin Tiessen will provide EMC with a portion of his time to dedicate to recruitment, training, placement and retention of EMC missionaries, church planters and pastors. Calvin is an experienced cross-cultural worker currently on home assignment.