More than mere scraps
Feature Kevin Wiebe Feature Kevin Wiebe

More than mere scraps

My family has had our share of medical and health struggles in recent years, which we have generally been fairly open about. Our home is no stranger to intense suffering. Through this, we have wrestled with the Lord but also come to learn invaluable truths that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

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A real, live piggy bank
News Mennonite Central Committee News Mennonite Central Committee

A real, live piggy bank

Ilero and Egadu needed a friend. The couple argued a lot about not having enough money to feed and educate their three children. They hoped Friend would help them, but they had no idea how much.

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Masters of Self-Deception
A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe A Path to Peace Kevin Wiebe

Masters of Self-Deception

I believe that any path that leads to true peace must be based on the truth. One cannot fully reconcile with someone else without acknowledging and repenting of the ways one has wronged the other. Part of being made right with God involves acknowledging the truth of our own sinful ways.

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