Poem: Where is the peace on earth?
sleepless she slumps in tears
on the couch peers
through the blinds
a street lamp her only light
where is the light for her soul?
where is forgiveness?
a lone leafless tree
shivers beneath the icy
stars as night creeps
into every crack
what is a star in this dark stark cold?
where is the comfort & joy?
winter whips round the trunk
& branches bare carries
the cries of a lone child
caught in the crossfire
why do hearts & minds wage war?
where is the peace on earth?
fear not! said the angel
how can this be?
it’s impossible without faith
name the child Jesus
a baby will save us?
that’s impossible without faith
there is good news
for ALL people?
impossible without love
shepherds spread the joy
what child is this?
it’s impossible without love
star gazers see the sign
the birth of a king?
an impossible journey without hope
Immanuel—God among us
the messiah finally here?
impossible without hope
the impossible made
possible? with faith
love & hope