Growing Together
Growing Together is a newsletter supplement to The Messenger online but with a focus on what is happening in our culture and the issues that are challenging for the church.
As a small church conference, we cannot, and will not try to do what larger organizations do. What we will do, is discuss the issues that have an impact on us, with arguments and material to assist us to think through issues intelligently from several angles. As with everything we do, we are committed to the Bible as inspired by God and the truth by which we live.
Sex Re-Assignment Surgery: Violence or Nonviolence?
It’s a privilege to read an essay as thoughtful, biblical and wise as Mr. Fast has given us. The church has much thinking to do on sexuality, and this kind of careful, clear and patient exploration of the scriptures—with all the questions—will finally resolve this and move us forward. And resolve it we will, eventually.
I learned a lot reading his essay. I have some thoughts on the question that I would like to add; I suggest this should come before we embark on the patient exegetical work he does. I want to add a question to the discernment that seems to bring a different landing in the end. But I submit this for discernment.