Erica Fehr Appointed as DCA

The Personnel Committee of the EMC General Board is very pleased to announce that Erica Fehr has been appointed to the role of Director of Communications and Administration. This appointment is effective as of January 1, 2022. The appointment is part of the ongoing implementation of the recommendations made by the EMC Transition Consultant.

Erica’s primary responsibilities will be to oversee all communications functions of the EMC and to supervise the administrative staff. She will share the editing responsibilities of The Messenger with Rebecca Roman and will continue to give leadership to the digital publication Growing Together. She will also oversee the development of all print and digital media.

Erica has served the EMC national office for over 15 years in a growing variety of domains, and her experience and skill in both communications and administration have been apparent for some time. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Erica as she transitions into this new responsibility at the EMC. You can reach her at or 204-326-6401.

– EMC Personnel Committee


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