EMC Posts Preliminary Financial Results

There has been much uncertainty in our world in the past two years, fueled by the pandemic and the various opinions on how society ought to deal with it. Considering this uncertainty, the General Board requested a reduction in the EMC budget for the 2021 fiscal year. The resulting budget was ten percent less than the previous year, with the hope that donations from churches and individuals would support this reduced budget.

The Board of Trustees is delighted to report that giving has remained strong throughout the year, with the result that we have ended the year with a substantial surplus in the General Fund. EMC Administered missionaries have also been well supported. We are humbled, amazed, and encouraged by this strong support from donors. It provides confidence to the General Board to move ahead with the vision of the EMC to expand in ministry opportunities and to retool our national staff in keeping with the recommendations approved at the last Conference Council meeting. 

Thank you to all EMC churches and individuals who have contributed to EMC ministries. The chart below is a preliminary and unaudited report of the financial results.


– Board of Trustees


Erica Fehr Appointed as DCA


Lent and Becoming Like Jesus