The Messenger

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A Dream Come True


Our existence is made of interactions with others. When we arrived in Bobo-Dioulasso in 2006, our constant prayer was that God would send us to those who want to hear from him, those who are thirsty and hungry for him, or that God would send them to us.

Our life here on earth is full of adventures. The life of our Lord Jesus Christ was also full of adventures. His encounter with Zacchaeus is a good example. Jesus, going from place to place announcing the good news, encountered an adult who had climbed a tree. He invited himself to Zacchaeus’s home, ignored the criticism of public opinion, and the result was a life completely transformed. Jesus dared. We must dare for the Lord.

We must dare to share the good news of the kingdom of God. Thus, Muslims and Catholics came to us as evangelical Christians to help them acquire a hearse, a need they had not been able to meet for 30 years.

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, as soon as we shared this need with you, you supported our witness, our ministry to our Muslim and Catholic neighbors, not only them, but also to other evangelical Christians in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso for a good approach to relationships between Christians and Muslims.

After a long journey, the hearse is here, available and functional. The journey was long, but we arrived at our destination.

At this point, we want to say thank you to God who is the source of the desire and will to act in each of you. The dream has become reality. Our plan to buy a hearse at the request of the neighbourhood where the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Bobo-Dioulasso is located has become a reality.

Thank you to each of you who gave. Donations and our local contributions have more than covered our needs for the hearse.

May the grace and peace of God be your strength.