Remembering Gil Reimer
Feature, Missions Evangelical Mennonite Conference Feature, Missions Evangelical Mennonite Conference

Remembering Gil Reimer

GILBERT A. REIMER was born in Steinbach on March 31, 1938, to Benjamin L. and Elizabeth Reimer. After visiting his brother Cliff and Diana Reimer, missionaries in Panama under Gospel Missionary Union (now Avant), he applied to GMU to serve in Panama.

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Why are some missionaries silent?
Global Focus Evangelical Mennonite Conference Global Focus Evangelical Mennonite Conference

Why are some missionaries silent?

Let’s talk about missionaries who rarely report in The Messenger or through any of our other publications. If you read any EMC missions publications, you will see occasional blank spots—maybe just an initial, no photo, no mission agency listed, no home church. And no details of the work they are doing, only general information about what to pray for. What’s going on? What’s the risk?

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Why are we serving in Bolivia?
Global Focus Nancy Friesen Global Focus Nancy Friesen

Why are we serving in Bolivia?

I currently serve in Bolivia with Misión Evangélica Menonita (MEM)—Mennonite Evangelical Mission in English. Our team consists of 33 people, including children, and we all come from different countries. We live in different communities, but we all work toward the same goal.

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No boredom at Paraguayan staff retreat
Global Focus Chris and Revita Kroeker Global Focus Chris and Revita Kroeker

No boredom at Paraguayan staff retreat

Since we hadn’t had a retreat for a few years now, and being only a small group, we decided to invite the current and retired EMC missionaries with their kids and grandkids. This idea was met with enthusiasm, so we had a two-day retreat at the end of December 2022.

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Squeaking past protestors
Global Focus Mary Beth George Global Focus Mary Beth George

Squeaking past protestors

We are told that at this time of year this place is usually hopping with tourists coming out to enjoy the vast beaches, but this year is a little different. With all the protests going on, the town is quiet and tranquil.

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EMC appoints Director of Global Outreach
News Evangelical Mennonite Conference News Evangelical Mennonite Conference

EMC appoints Director of Global Outreach

The Personnel Committee is pleased to announce that George Dumitrascu has agreed to serve as EMC Director of Global Outreach. George will begin his role in the summer of 2023.

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Engaging the next generation of workers
News Tim Dyck News Tim Dyck

Engaging the next generation of workers

Calvin Tiessen will provide EMC with a portion of his time to dedicate to recruitment, training, placement and retention of EMC missionaries, church planters and pastors. Calvin is an experienced cross-cultural worker currently on home assignment.

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Minimalist art shows what God has done
Global Focus Alex Reimer Global Focus Alex Reimer

Minimalist art shows what God has done

Welcome to the Minimalistic Art Edition of the Messenger missionary feature. This is the edition where I made a quick minimalist piece of art for everything God did in the last three months on our field in Northern Ireland. And by everything, I mean four things.

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