Submission Guidelines (2022)


To inform concerning events and activities in the denomination, instruct in godliness and victorious living, inspire to earnestly contend for the faith.


The audience is generally, but not exclusively, EMC members and adherents with a range of educational and cultural backgrounds. The typical reader is a long-time supporter of EMC and its ministries.

Submitting an article for publication: The best idea is to send us a query or pitch before you start writing. Please include a summary of what you want to say in your article with some idea of how you propose to tell the story.  

  • Stand-alone articles are preferred but a series will be considered if it is extraordinary. Proposals for series need to be negotiated in advance. (There is less continuity possible between print and website.)

  • Issues are planned three to six months in advance, so a query for an Easter-themed article, for example, should be sent by January.

  • Writers should expect to receive feedback and suggestions on their draft article submission and be aware that after approval, the article will be copy-edited for punctuation and grammar before publication.

  • We purchase first North American periodical rights only. Freelance writers, columnists and other non-staff contributors own their work. We will direct any requests for reprint permission to them.

  • The editors may decide that an article is unsuitable, even if the pitch was approved or the article was commissioned. The preferred option is negotiating a suitable rewrite, however if no agreement can be reached the article may be refused. If the article was commissioned by the Messenger, payment will be made at half the full rate (applied to first installment of a series only).

Length: Leads range from 800 to 2,000 words, excluding autobiography.

Style: Do not hesitate to present complex and profound ideas but make sure they are expressed in accessible language. We recommend a Flesch Kincaid reading level between six and ten (grade 5-10) Please see writer’s style guide.

References: Attribute quotes briefly within the text; avoid footnotes.

Bible references/version: For Bible references use a full reference to start a sentence: First Corinthians 15:1–16, and within brackets (1 Corinthians 15:1–16). The New International Version (2011) is the preferred translation. When it is necessary to use another translation, be sure to cite which one (1 Corinthians 15:1–16 NLT).

Autobiography and writer photo: Please provide a photo of yourself and a brief biography. (e.g., career, education, church role and family if you wish)

Additional Photos: To be sent in colour as .jpeg attachments, normal size, and at least 300 DPI.


  • Lead articles .15/word for published articles. Reworked sermons and reprinted articles are paid at a two-thirds rate. Please inform us if this is the case.

  • Columns are paid at a flat rate of $85 for 500 words.

  • Photos $20 per photo (excluding writer photo). $50 per cover photo

  • A single payment will be made for published articles and photos. The payment includes publication in three formats: print, online PDF, and digital.

Addresses: Please submit articles to and include your regular postal address (for honorarium) and phone number (for contact). Thank you.