Celebrating beginnings, acknowledging transitions
Kleefeld Evangelical Mennonite Church, Local Focus Evangelical Mennonite Conference Kleefeld Evangelical Mennonite Church, Local Focus Evangelical Mennonite Conference

Celebrating beginnings, acknowledging transitions

A recent and important event at Kleefeld EMC is the installation of a new lead pastor. Greg Klassen and his wife Daniella, along with their three children, have been worshipping with us for the past year while Greg was attending Providence Theological Seminary. Greg was officially commissioned on September 17, 2023, and we are anticipating new blessings under his leadership.

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Troubling Times—A Call to Pray
Editorial Emery Plett Editorial Emery Plett

Troubling Times—A Call to Pray

The news we are reading and seeing has many of us sad, disturbed, and praying for peace. The conflict that has developed in Israel is concerning. The headlines are relentless and horrific. A brutal attack, followed by retaliation and now a humanitarian crisis. As this story unfolds, we hope that the narrative will shift to resolution and peace. That lives can be spared.

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Cataclysms and Christmas Cheer
Feature Dr. Dustin Burlet Feature Dr. Dustin Burlet

Cataclysms and Christmas Cheer

The salvation God provides in Jesus (whose name means Deliverer) is the fulfillment of the Scriptures, but it is not the final chapter of this great story nor is it the first. In Noah’s flood, much earlier in the biblical timeline, we see another powerful account of divine intervention to save.

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When the future ain’t what it used to be
Feature Andy Woodworth Feature Andy Woodworth

When the future ain’t what it used to be

Baseball Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra once stated, “The future ain’t what it used to be.” When we are young, the world is before us, and the possibilities seem endless. Then, one day, we wake up on what seems to be a normal day, and we realize that most of life is now behind us and the future just ain’t what it used to be.

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The Grace of Vocation
Column, The Journey of Christian Vocation Calvin Tiessen Column, The Journey of Christian Vocation Calvin Tiessen

The Grace of Vocation

“Stand back,” the guide told me. “Just a little bit further.” I was carefully examining a rich blue shard of stained glass as the midday sun lit up the walls of the magnificent 18th-century manor. We had spent that morning in the workshop of a local artist who explained the nuances of colouring which went into the creation of each piece of glass. I was now looking closely to appreciate the unique tones of this particular piece.

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Stories that Change
Global Focus Benny and Esther Goertzen Global Focus Benny and Esther Goertzen

Stories that Change

Bernardo is a very helpful boy. His teacher asks the students if they can find out how many sick people there are in the neighborhood. Bernardo volunteers and learns there are five. The teacher urges the students to act by setting aside some of their own lunch money to buy fruit or something else for them. Bernardo and his friends do so and are very happy. The student's action serves as an example, and soon the adults also begin to help the sick in their neighborhood.

This is the summary of one of 106 stories written by Nelson Aguilera in the context and the heart language of the Paraguayan people: Guarani Jopara.

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How we’re loving and serving our community
Mount Salem Community Church, Local Focus Patrick Stanat Mount Salem Community Church, Local Focus Patrick Stanat

How we’re loving and serving our community

Our vision at Mount Salem Community Church (MSCC) is to “inspire people to follow Jesus.” Our hope is to live and love in such a way that it compels people to consider faith. By serving the community that God has planted us in, we have the unique opportunity to build a mission centre called The Family Central, and we are working toward establishing a community centre called the Malahide Athletic Centre (MAC).

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‘Can you help us help?’
News, MCC Jason Dueck News, MCC Jason Dueck

‘Can you help us help?’

The first thing they said was “Can you help us help?” recalls Sarah Funkhouser, who, together with her husband, Seth Malone, is Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) representative for Jordan, Palestine and Israel.

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An unforgettable Christmas
Feature, Christmas Wilbert Friesen Feature, Christmas Wilbert Friesen

An unforgettable Christmas

The most unforgettable Christmas for me and my family was Christmas of 1972. Just two and a half months earlier, Hilda and I with our two young sons had made the 5,000-mile trip from Swift Current, Saskatchewan, to the fascinating Republic of Nicaragua, our new home and mission field. We had just settled into a unique house in Jinotepe and were trying hard to befriend our neighbours and learn to communicate in Spanish.

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The zeal of the Lord
His Light to My Path Karla Hein His Light to My Path Karla Hein

The zeal of the Lord

When Phineas witnessed an Israelite blatantly transgressing God’s law for holiness, he acted with righteous passion. God said, “He was as zealous for my honor among [the Israelites] as I am” (Numbers 25:11). And God promised, “He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the honor of his God” (v. 13).

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Teaching—and Learning too
Global Focus Heidi Global Focus Heidi

Teaching—and Learning too

It feels good to be back in the classroom at Wellspring Academy! I have a lovely bunch of grade 4/5 students who enjoy each other and engage well with the varied learning activities. They are fun, full of energy, and well-behaved. What more could a teacher want?!

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