“You brought hope and love to the community”
For Amanda McDougall-Merrill, Mayor of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality, volunteers with Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) Canada did more than repair homes damaged by Hurricane Fiona in Cape Breton.
MCC Seek Program helps young adults explore Faith and Culture
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) invites applications for Seek, its newest young adult program for 18- to 20-year-olds who want to do six months of service, discipleship training and cross-cultural sharing in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
A Bird’s View
Confession: I’m suspicious of most rodents and fowl. I know that my bird-watching friends will be exasperated that I lumped the predator with the prey. I’m not an ornithologist (that’s someone who studies birds … I looked it up), but I do find both species rather erratic. They silently stare at you, then start darting or fluttering at an alarming, instinctual rate.
Pedal To The Metal Love
Do you realize how unusual God’s love is? If I could really hold this in the depths of my soul, I would be a joy-filled person. This is it: God loves naturally.
Anabaptism at 500 project surpasses goal of 500 study groups contributing to Anabaptist Community Bible
The Anabaptism at 500 Project is proud to announce it has exceeded its goal of 500 study groups contributing to the Anabaptist Community Bible.
What do church plants need?
The EMC currently has 11 church plants and outreaches across Canada, defined as being roughly in their first 10 years of existence or receiving subsidy from the conference. Let me introduce you to these churches and their pastors/leaders.
Why are we serving in Bolivia?
I currently serve in Bolivia with Misión Evangélica Menonita (MEM)—Mennonite Evangelical Mission in English. Our team consists of 33 people, including children, and we all come from different countries. We live in different communities, but we all work toward the same goal.
Our serving Saviour
I’ve known Philippians 2 since I was a tiny human. Familiar and quotable, Christ “humbled himself by becoming obedient to death” and was triumphantly exalted “to the highest place” (vv. 8–9).
EMC office says farewell to Tim Dyck and Wannetta Fast
Tim Dyck, EMC executive director, and Wannetta Fast, EMC office accountant, are celebrated as they prepare to enter retirement.
Golfers raise over $43,000 for Project Builders ventures
The EMC Project Builders 29th annual golf tournament took place on June 15, 2023. The Texas Scramble (best ball) style tournament raised over $43,000 for this year’s projects as 135 golfers enjoyed the beautiful weather and camaraderie on the course and over lunch.
Packing in activities in June
Crestview Fellowship enjoyed a very busy month of June. June is a time of graduations, church picnics, baptisms and church camps—pack it all in before vacations start.
Young Christian leaders for northern Manitoba
I’ve been in full-time missions with InterAct Ministries for eight years now, based out of Thompson, Man. God has been working to grow disciples.
The fruit of vocation
Are you fulfilled? We’ve likely all asked ourselves some version of this question about our lives and vocation. Is my life meaningful? Am I doing the right things with my life?
Council approves church closure, amends Constitution
On June 3, 2023, Conference Council delegates gathered at Rosenort (Man.) EMC and online on Zoom to manage the business of the EMC. This included approving the closure of Good News Community Church in Steinbach, Man. and approving amendments to the EMC Constitution.
Steinbach Bible College celebrates 2023 graduating class
On the weekend of April 28–29, SBC celebrated another class of graduating students, both at the college chapel and at the Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church (EEFC) in Steinbach.
Ladies breakfast at Braeside
On May 6, Braeside Church held its first ladies breakfast of 2023, where the men of the church treat the women to a delicious breakfast.
When baptism becomes works righteousness
I must consent to it, but baptism is not essentially about me acting. I am being baptized in the name of Christ. Christ asks each of us, “Can I have you?” When we answer “yes,” the church as the representative of Christ takes us and pours the water of baptism over our heads.
Ministerial approves Misconduct Policy and Ethics Commitment
During the June 2, 2023, Ministerial meeting, Cameron McKenzie, Board of Leadership and Outreach (BLO) chair reviewed several documents that have been in process for a few years. The Ministerial Misconduct Policy and the Ministerial Ethics Commitment were both approved by the ministerial and are offered as resources to churches and pastors.
Lorne Meisner addresses longevity in ministry
An occupational hazard of ministry is not finishing well, and this was the topic guest speaker Lorne Meisner was asked to address at the Ministerial meeting held on June 2, 2023.
MCC challenges people to donate 10,000 school kits in August
In August, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) challenges people to donate 10,000 school kits—full of school supplies—for 10,000 children around the world. This School Kit Challenge has the extra incentive of a school kit photo contest.