The Messenger Index: 2013


The Apostles’ Creed and EMC churches (May)

The Apostles’ Creed and Jesus (June)

Bits about preaching (July)

A national learning plan (August)

The powerful Bible college movement (September)

License to Wed and St. Augustine (October)

The United Church’s cautionary tale (November)

Evangelical Anabaptism: to teach or not to teach? (December)


Steinbach EMB: a force for change (January)

Matters about marriage (February)

Do worship service numbers matter? (March)

A celebration of marriage (April)

Aganetha Barkman Reimer: ‘Solely by grace’ (December)


Should you send your pastor on a ministry trip? (August)


Anabaptism, a movement whose time has come? Dr. Stuart Murray (January)

A hope for the EMC in 2013, Terry M. Smith (January)

Footwashing: a truly Christ-like act, Ron Penner (January)

In memory of my dear wife Josefina, Gerhard Walter Rempening Rico (February)

Reclaiming silent retreat, Alicia Buhler (February)

Grace and disobedience, Will Rose (February)

An ‘In-Between’ Time: Why Holy Saturday is essential to the Christian Faith, Alicia Buhler (March)

The church’s challenge in a multicultural country, Irai A. Rodrigues Filho (March)

How to smartly engage with the young doubters in your midst, Andrea Palpant Dilley (March)

Apprentices in Faith: Ten proposals for our day, inspired by third-century baptism practices, Dr. Alan Kreider (April)

Dr. Stuart Murray: Indebted, but no meretrophy of Anabaptism, Terry M. Smith (April)

Driving the train of effective youth ministry, Ken Moser (April)

The threat of resurrection, Dr. John Vissers (April)

Identity protection—and Daniel, Geralyn Wichers (May)

Young people, you do have a good future! Darryl G. Klassen (May)

The future of pacifism? Chrystie Kroeker Boggs (May)

What the Church needs to say to seniors, Darryl G. Klassen (June)

More than memory: Shaped by the Lord’s Supper, Arlene Friesen (June)

Looking Back on Mennonites in the Warsof 1812, Dr. Jonathan Seiling (June)

Abundant Springs 2013 Photo Collage, Andrew Walker (June)

Seeking first the Kingdom, Dr. Timothy Geddert (July)

Addicted? Strengthen the connections, Russell Doerksen (July)

Ridding the room of argument, Corey Herlevsen (July)

A veteran of youth events takes on Abundant Springs 2013, Andrew Walker (July)

The kingdom of God and discipleship, Dr. Timothy Geddert (August)

The Action of Mercy, Ervin C. Dueck (August)

The Simple Life, Javan Rowe (August)

The Kingdom of God and the Christian community, Dr. Timothy Geddert (September)

Mennonite Heritage Rap, Yvonne Friesen (September)

Make My Heart Your Home, Anicka Loewen (September)

Pastoral ministry: a sometimes-painful privilege, Darryl G. Klassen (September)

The Kingdom of God and Mission, Dr. Timothy Geddert (October)

A time to be grateful and to praise! Dr. Pierre Gilbert (October)

Elmer and Elvira Warkentin honoured for service, Terry M. Smith (October)

What if…? Dr. Ernie Koop (October)

The value of elders, Gord Penner (November)

Image of God? Kevin Wiebe (November)

An orientation for single sexuality: the “dos” of purity, Karla Braun (November)

Messiah—Man of Sorrow, Dr. James Regehr (December)

Jesus: the wonder of an ordinary birth, Russell Doerksen (December)

When we seem to be losing hope, Jeff Plett (December)


Abbeydale (January), (June)

Aberdeen (October)

Anola (October)

Blumenort (July), (October)

Braeside (January), (August), (October), (November)

Burns Lake (February)

Creighton (April)

Crestview (February), (May), (July), (November)

EFC Steinbach (June)

Fish Creek (February), (March), (November)

Grace (December)

Heartland (January), (July), (October), (November)

High Level (June)

Hillside (January)

Kleefeld (September), (October)

Kola (August)

La Crete (June)

Leamington (April)

Many Rooms (February)

Mennville (June)

Morris (March)

Morweena (June), (July)

New Life (December)

Pansy (September), (December)

Pelly (April), (June), (November)

Picture Butte (February), (April), (June), (October), (November)

Pleasant Valley (February), (July), (November), (December)

Portage (February), (March), (July), (August), (December)

Prairie Rose (June), (October), (December)

Ridgewood (December)

Roseisle (May), (July), (October), (December)

St. Vital (May)

Steinbach EMC (May)

Straffordville (October)

Swan River (May), (September), (November)

Taber (February), (May), (November)

Westpointe (January), (May), (June - correction), (November)

Wymark (March)


A radical, a watchdog, and an anniversary (January)

Chaplains serve ‘the least of these’ (January)

Once again angels danced (February)

Take a deep breath (February)

The information you want (March)

The need for doctrine (March)

Jesus ‘has no equals’ (April)

Pre- or post-baptismal instruction? (April)

Invitations at hand (May)

To look more closely (May)

Churches and ministers-in-training (June)

Flooding in Canada and beyond (June)

La Crete, somewhere indeed! (July)

Ride and eat (July)

Take a risk! (August)

The Judge judged in our place (August)

Jesus is building his church (September)

How do we measure generosity? (September)

Gauging the Church’s health (October)

How do we love today? (October)

‘There’s no glory in it’ (November)

MCC Canada turns 50 (November)

At Christmas, join us! (December)

An old knife and a new truth (December)


A model of partnership (January)

A big thanks for a small surplus! (March)

A discussion about Jesus movements (September)


Evangelical, Mennonite, Catholic: the EMC as God’s dream church (July)

Can I get a witness for the Lord? (August)

Giving the Mennonite body something to be Christian with (September)

Catholic: my God is so big! (October)

Could you lend me some faith? (November)

What are the chances of Christmas? (December)


Abundant Springs: why we hold our own event (June)


The power of the pen, the worth of the Word (January)

‘Notes d’Amour’ (Love Notes) (February)

Unexpected graciousness (March)

Third culture or kingdom culture? (April)

Pure joy (May)

The myth of the super missionary (June)

Risky obedience (July)

Following the instructions (August)

The tyranny of choice: seeking content in the land of plenty (September)

The joy of being offended (October)

When waiting is frustrating (November)

The government will be upon his shoulder (December)


Happy New Year! (January)

To remember is important (February)

The (March) of time (March)

Who is Jesus? (April)

Looking for signs of spring (May)

Is your brain a computer? (June)

Rocks talk (July)

Who’s in your backyard? (August)

Earth: the best place (September)

Too much stuff (October)

What can you do when you’re in difficulty? (November)

The surprizes about Christmas (December)


Bringing glory to the God of creation, Irma Janzen (January)

Cost of procrastinating is high, Ray Hill (February)

The door remains open, Barbara Plett (February)

I believe it does matter, Heidi Plett (February)

Morris Fellowship Chapel writes in concern (March)

Where are we at on this issue? Henry Hiebert (March)

We are all treaty people, Andrew Reimer (March)

Should we reach out? Tim Moore (March)

Another way to look at it, Dennis Friesen (April)

Different ways of measuring churches, Wally Doerksen (April)

Blessed and encouraged, Frank Kroeker (April)

We need the whole story, Glen Koop (April)

No need to complicate it, Allan G. Lie (May)

General Board responds to creation issue, Richard Klassen (May)

Universe formed at God’s command, Mark Gerber (May)

Moratorium on creation letters, Terry M. Smith (May)

We welcome you! Peter Janzen (May)

Who does Jesus save? Gordon Dyck (May)

How do we live differently? Alan Kreider (June)

Holy Spirit led, Harry Koop (June)

Grateful for the scholarship, Robyn Penner Thiessen (June)

Most important: prayer, Evelyn Rodgers (July)

Thanks for convention planning, Irene Kroeker (October)

A rich theology to be noted, Ron Penner (November)


Canada: Albert Martens Jan

Mexico: Alvira Friesen (February)

Mexico: Gerald Reimer (February)

Fort Chipewyan: Annette van Enns (March)

Swan River: Fred and Charlotte Evans (March)

Bolivia: Brad Brandt (April)

Mexico: Mo Friesen (April)

Mexico: Kendra Thiessen (April)

Madagascar: Lindsay Sytsma and Josh R. Plett (April)

Mexico: Grace Thiessen (April)

Canada: Fred Evans (May)

Canada: Elmer and Elvira Warkentin (May)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (June)

Lesotho: Kari Peters (June)

New Brunswick: Venus Cote (June)

Ethiopia: Angela Kruse (June)

Haiti: Pearl Reimer (July)

Brazil: Kevin Penner (July)

Lesotho: Kari Peters (July)

Paraguay: Judy Schmidt (August)

Krahns to serve in Bolivia (August)

Ethiopia: Angela Kruse (August)

Wisconsin: Kim and Dave Field (August)

Ethiopia: Angela Kruse (September)

Canada: Albert Martens (September)

Mexico: John Reimer (September)

Paraguay: Gil Rempel (September)

Ethiopia: Rolf and Angela Kruse (October)

Europe: John Rempel (October)

Lesotho: Kari Peters (October)

Mexico: Karlene Thiessen (October)

Canada: Verna Doerksen (November)

Northern Alberta: Arlyn and Annette van Enns (November)

Lesotho: Kari Peters (December)

South Sudan: Gordon Skopnik (December)

Vietnam: Elmer Warkentin (December)


Ministerial stands in affirmation of God as creator (January)

Council approves budget and Statement process (January)

Project Builders: making a tangible difference (January)

General Board responds to creation issue (May)

Abundant Springs 2013 photo collage (June)

Quarterly financial report (August)

Convention 2013 offerings (August)

EMC Statement of Core Values (August)

EMC Vision Statement (August)

Ministerial explores ‘creative’ non-violent resistance (August)

Council approves statements, faces fiscal shortfall (August)

Golf links with missions (August)

EMC prayer corps news (November)

Family Christmas projects (November)

Council approves budget, grapples with change formula (December)

The Ritskes: Pastoral couples need to stop lying to themselves (December)

Pastors, churches need systematic response to abuse (December)


Providence Seminary marks 40 years with reunion (January)

Church serves displaced in Syria (January)

MCC facing funding gap for chaplaincy service (January)

Intern from Lesotho observes ‘easy life’ in Canada (January)

CMU installs Dr. Cheryl Pauls as president (January)

MCC BC to build on a legacy of compassion (January)

Three ways to peace (February)

Arli Klassen appointed to MWC fundraising role (February)

LeBlanc: all creation needs redemption (February)

SCHS concerned about proposed legislation (February)

Study says evangelicals could keep more young people (March)

Mennonite World Conference in a nutshell (March)

East African Mennonite churches form a mission board (March)

At Advance, youth encouraged to ‘yield’ (March)

CMU moves into building phase (March)

MCC urges governments to respect treaty relationship (March)

MFC distributes $13.2M to charities (March)

MCC seeks funds to meet needs in Syria (March)

CFGB celebrates 30th anniversary (March)

MHSC sponsors projects in Canada, world (March)

Study guide explores ‘white privilege’ and racism (April)

Christians in Nepal dedicate new building (April)

Spiritual blessings post-Sandy, one woman’s story (April)

EFC: papers on gendercide, sex-selection in Canada (April)

Mid-Way Christian Leadership holds AGM (April)

Anabaptists and Catholics to mark Sattlers’ martyrdom (April)

Ten Thousand Villages Canada to close10 stores (April)

CMU’s Ottatown program graduates 61 (May)

Building bridges between Christians and Muslims (May)

EMCers graduate among many at Providence (May)

EMCer graduates from Bethany College (May)

PBs hosts seminar on Succession Planning (May)

Epp hired at MFC consultant (May)

New Anabaptist curriculum coming fall 2014 (May)

Housing complex involves Eden, partners (May)

MWC reps attend papal inauguration (May)

Assistant editor and trainee visit (May)

MKC and CMU confer (June)

M4K: more than a meal (June)

CFGB: ‘Thank you for 30 years!’ (June)

MCC provides training on risks of waste picking (June)

Being a Peace Church: how are we doing? (June)

Thinking of grad studies at CMU? (June)

SCHS choir awarded gold (June)

Help with Alberta’s floods (June)

Dr. David H. Johnson new Providence president (July)

Grassy Narrows leader awarded Michael Sattler peace prize (July)

Investing in Lesotho one farmer at a time (July)

‘Sister Care’ crosses borders (July)

MCC encourages Egyptian youth with disabilities to counter stigmas (July)

CFGB grateful for giving (July)

MWC active, but hampered (August)

LG program structure shifts, commitment unchanged (August)

CMU to help worship leaders (September)

MDS at work in Alberta (September)

Love in a snow cone (September)

CFGB commits $1.1M more for Syrians (September)

Peace Sunday packet available (September)

MWC launches Global Anabaptist Profile project (September)

Central American youth explore their Anabaptist identity (October)

Ground-breaking held for CMU’s $13.9Mexpansion (October)

Mid-Way Bible Camp has successful summer (October)

MCC BC celebrations (October)

CFGB ‘recipe’ campaign ends well (October)

Ever wondered what MWC and MCC believe? (October)

Delivering living water in DRC (November)

Evening explored post-partum depression (November)

MCC Canada celebrates the past and plans for the future (December)

Dr. Longhurst provides a solid resource (December)


Elizabeth Eidse Siemens, 1924–2012 (January)

John Jacob Peters, 1920–2012 (January)

Maria Peters Neufeld, 1930–2012 (February)

Diedrich P. Thiessen, 1926–2012 (February)

Maria (Doerksen) Klassen, 1927–2012 (February)

Tini (Katie) Klassen (nee Peters), 1927–2013 (February)

Annie (Sawatzky) Reimer, 1924–2012 (March)

William (Bill) Janzen, 1931–2012 (March)

Arthur Krahn, 1932–2012 (March)

Lydia (Guenther) Krahn, 1933–2012 (March)

Olga (Klassen) Colborne, 1928–2013 (March)

Mary (Knelsen) Olfert, 1915–2013 (April)

Deborah Ruth Neufeld, 1967–2013 (April)

Sam Calvin Wasalenko, 1924–2013 (April)

Levi Dueck, 1930–2012 (May)

Jacob (Jake) Kroeker, 1933–2013 (June)

Elizabeth Dueck (nee Plett), 1924–2012 (June)

Byron John Thiessen, 1956–2013 (July)

Kevin Jonathon Nemez, 1964–2013 (July)

Elizabeth L. Reimer, 1926–2012 (July)

David Dueck, 1920–2013 (August)

Esther Dueck (nee Kornelson), 1924–2013 (August)

Ganya Lily Loewen-Watson, (June) 9, 2013 (August)

Daniel (Dan) Wiebe, 1935–2013 (September)

Anne Klassen (nee Kroeker), 1923–2013 (September)

Henry Arthur Boehlig, 1951–2013 (October)

Pastor Donald Richard Brynteson, 1940–2013 (October)

Annie Harms Kroeker, 1920–2011 (memorial) (November)

Erna Dueck, 1948–2013 (November)

Abe L. Thiessen, 1932–2013 (November)

Margaret Toews, 1919–2013 (November)

Jake Plett, 1925–2013 (December)


Andrew Walker appointed to term position (March)


Time Table for Today, Laura Plett Siemens (February)

The Worth of a Nail, Eleanor Lee Gustaw (April)

Mennonite Heritage Rap, Yvonne Friesen (September)

Make My Heart Your Home, Anicka Loewen (September)

The Narrow Road, Dorita Kornelsen (October)

Freed to Obey, Brigitte Toews (December)


Anabaptism, a movement whose time has come? Dr. Stuart Murray (January)

88 SBC students serve in Mission X (March)

Dr. Stuart Murray: Indebted, but no mere trophy of Anabaptism, Terry M. Smith (April)

SBC graduates 31 (May)

SBC presents Jesus: Messiah (May)

The future of pacifism? Chrystie Kroeker Boggs (May)

More than memory: Shaped by the Lord’s Supper, Arlene Friesen (June)

SBC announces hirings (July)

SBC bears clubs, can house more students (July)

Changes at SBC (August)

What if…? Dr. Ernie Koop (October)

SBC opens new dorm (October)

SBC youth survey has three key findings (October)

The value of elders, Gord Penner (November)

SBC updates logo and slogan (November)


Who’s talking to your kids? (January)

Practice, practice, practice (February)

Summer camp: more than a facility (March)

Thoughtful Generosity (April)

Don’t do as I do? (May)

Edwin Friesen chose to be generous (June)

If I had a million dollars (July)

Talking to survive seasonal shopping (August)

The raising of Ebenezer (September)

Gimme, gimme never gets! (October)

A dream without a plan (November)

God’s abundance ahead! (December)


Do they leave because they haven’t been taught? (February)

An outward focus (May)

The value of getting together (July)


Remembering Josephina (January)

The journey towards ‘Here am I. Send me!’ (April)

I am a part of something bigger (September)

A Growing Church in Burkina Faso (November)


America and Its Guns: A Theological Exposé, James E. Atwood (January)

Joshua, Gordon Matties (January)

Ethics in the Presence of Christ, Christopher R. J.Holmes (February)

Raising a Modern-Day Knight, Robert Lewis (February)

Black and Blue Sari, Kamal Dhillon (May)

Radical Christian Discipleship, John Howard Yoder (May)

Intergenerational Christian Formation, Allen and Ross (July)

Let the Children Come: Preparing Faith Communities to End Child Abuse and Neglect,Jeanette Harder (July)

Menno Simons’ Life and Writings: A Quadri-centennial Tribute (1536–1936), Harold S. Bender and John Horsch (August)

The Jesus Tribe: Grace Stories from Congo’s Mennonites (1912–2012), Rod Hollinger-Janzen, ed. (August)

The Gentleman, Jacob Enns (September)

Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry, Steve Heinrichs, ed. (September)

Seeking Places of Peace: A Global Mennonite History, North America, Royden Loewen and Stephen Nolt (September)

John, Willard Swartley (October)

To End All Wars, Adam Hochschild (November)


The Messenger Index: 2014


The Messenger Index: 2011