Growth and change in Morweena
Over the last couple of years our church has grown in some unexpected ways. The influx of Ukrainian refugees to Canada in 2022 led many families to the Arborg area.
A youth’s journey of faith and baptism
One of the youth in Mennville EMC’s joint youth ministry with Riverton Gospel Chapel recently asked to be baptized in our church. Upon her confession of faith, we baptized and welcomed Susan Marks into membership on May 19, 2024.
Editorial: From innovation to discipleship: EMC churches are flourishing!
♪ Written reports from four of EMC’s nine regions were easily available online but, since they didn’t figure in the meeting’s agenda, I had not taken time to read them.
New people finding a church to call ‘home’
It’s exciting to see our sanctuary nearly at capacity every Sunday, and the new expansion of our building filled with young and old alike attending Sunday school.