Three young people join Kleefeld EMC
November 24, 2024 marked the day when two young men from our church family chose to publicly declare their desire for baptism and membership in the Kleefeld EMC.

December is a busy month for Straffordville EMC
We started the month with a baptism/membership reception on the 1st. What a blessing to hear the testimonies of how God has worked and continues to work in all the candidates.

Growth and change in Morweena
Over the last couple of years our church has grown in some unexpected ways. The influx of Ukrainian refugees to Canada in 2022 led many families to the Arborg area.

Timbits and the sea
June 23, 2024, Multicultural Sunday, was celebrated at Abbeydale Christian Fellowship by recognizing the diversity of believers in our church family in a number of ways. About 20 languages were represented either in Scripture reading or song.

A youth’s journey of faith and baptism
One of the youth in Mennville EMC’s joint youth ministry with Riverton Gospel Chapel recently asked to be baptized in our church. Upon her confession of faith, we baptized and welcomed Susan Marks into membership on May 19, 2024.

Baptism at Abbeydale a ‘hands-in’ experience
What do a host of curious children, over 100 adults (comprised of more visiting family members and friends than usual), two excited pastors and Sunday, November 26, 2023, all have in common?

Packing in activities in June
Crestview Fellowship enjoyed a very busy month of June. June is a time of graduations, church picnics, baptisms and church camps—pack it all in before vacations start.

When baptism becomes works righteousness
I must consent to it, but baptism is not essentially about me acting. I am being baptized in the name of Christ. Christ asks each of us, “Can I have you?” When we answer “yes,” the church as the representative of Christ takes us and pours the water of baptism over our heads.

New building, new members
Straffordville EMC celebrated its first service in their new building on December 23, 2018, and held a grand opening celebration on June 9, 2019.

From shadows to Son rise!
Our special Tenebrae service on the eve of Good Friday was planned and performed by a team of believers in Jesus working together to create an atmosphere of worship and remembrance. They took us step by anguished step through the last week of Jesus’ life during Holy Week.

Whether going or coming, God is at work
Looking back on 2022, there are many things we could catch up on. We could talk about the parent-child dedication service for six young families in May. Or we might highlight the two baptism services in summer where a total of 15 were baptized.

Three baptized, three children dedicated
Baptized in August 2022 at Portage Evangelical Church are Riley Bueckert, Tessa Shaw and Caleb Neufeld.

Through God’s hand, our doors are open
After receiving many “green lights” we moved forward, bought a building and opened our doors in November 2021. There is always a lot of work in starting a new church, but God has been so good and helped us.

Highlights of ministry amid the pandemic
Navigating pandemic restrictions over the last couple of years has been difficult. Like everyone else, we’re happy to be meeting together again.

Baptism gives opportunity to celebrate
A baptismal service is an opportunity for the whole church to celebrate what God is doing in our midst. On Sunday, June 26, 2022, Rosenort EMC congregants witnessed four young people take this step of obedience in following Jesus.

Two believers baptized
Mike, an older Ukrainian man, and Sylvia, who was for many years with the Canadian Armed Forces, were baptized on May 22, 2022.

Ordination, Dedication, Baptisms
STEINBACH, Man.—What a busy fall it was at Stony Brook Fellowship in 2021!

Believer’s Baptism: Stay With What the Bible Teaches!
As we celebrate the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation there is much to celebrate. One of the things to celebrate is the rediscovery of believer’s baptism.