How can EMCers help Afghan Christian refugees?
News Evangelical Mennonite Conference News Evangelical Mennonite Conference

How can EMCers help Afghan Christian refugees?

The EMC General Board is encouraging EMC churches to consider sponsoring Afghan Christian refugee families to come to Canada. EMC and other Mennonite denominations have an agreement with MCC Canada to provide the sponsorship support for this initiative.

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Waves in the Desert
Feature Arley Loewen Feature Arley Loewen

Waves in the Desert

First wave of refugees: 1980s

from the Soviet Invasion

The Soviet invasion caused the first wave of Afghan refugees as millions flooded into Pakistan, Iran and India.

At the same time, Afghans began to resist the Soviets and Kabul government, which birthed the Afghan mujahideen (holy warriors). The U.S. saw an opportunity to oppose the Soviets by supporting the Afghan warriors. Islamic enthusiasts from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and elsewhere, joined with the mujahideen in “short-term mission” service—an ideal chance for young radicals to practice jihad. Osama bin Laden was one such warrior, and he started the al-Qaeda Islamic party

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