Rolf Kruse Begins as EMC’s Interim DGO

The Personnel Committee of the EMC General Board is very pleased to announce that Rolf Kruse will join EMC national office staff as the Interim Director of Global Outreach. Rolf begins his work in this role on January 4, 2022, in a term anticipated to be between nine and eighteen months.

Rolf’s primary responsibilities will be providing support and guidance for EMC missionaries, developing new outreach opportunities and assisting churches with their missions emphasis. Rolf comes to EMC with more than 20 years of experience working cross-culturally, most of it together with his wife Angela.

He speaks Amharic and greets in many languages including Arabic and Low German. He has a passion for sharing the gospel. Rolf enjoys recreational soccer especially barefoot in the rain.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Rolf as he begins his journey with EMC. You will be able to reach him at or 204-326-6401.


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