The Messenger

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The nations are gathering at Abbeydale

CALGARY, Alta.—Psalm 117:1 says, “Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples.” It is indeed a blessing to be joined together in worship with people of other nations. The blessing becomes even more tangible when born-again believers who have been raised in other beliefs or countries intentionally choose to become a part one’s own church body.

From Burma, and raised in a Buddhist family, Feelain Leung came to Canada to join and be married to her fiancé. Never having been interested in or embraced Buddhism, she was introduced to and accepted the Lord many years later through her son’s friend, a believer. Her husband accepted the Lord two years before he passed away in 2003, leaving her to raise her children alone in a country not her own. The comfort she finds in Matthew 6:33 continues to sustain her.

From Nigeria, Favour Ushie (Ann) now a high school student, has been in Canada for seven years. The “home time” the pandemic caused has been a gift from God to her, as are the social media videos and articles that many Christians took time to produce and post. Sensing the obstruction of a tall brick wall between her and God for years left her wondering what the wall actually was and how to remove it. Her questions were answered by taking time to be still and hear God’s voice. Understanding that the wall was her sin, she asked God to remove it. Almost immediately, the sun shone brightly in a special way, seemingly just for her; Favour moved toward the light and began walking in it. Her prayer is to love God and people more and to live her life for the glory of God.

Randy Kelm, raised on a family farm in central Alberta, lived a rough life of drinking, profanity, poor financial decisions, car accidents and other destructive behaviour, all leading to depression and divorce. He is grateful for his (late) second wife through whom he found the Lord. A few years later, God blessed him with a God-fearing wife; together, they are committed to serving God in and with the body of believers at Abbeydale. Romans 5:1 and Romans 10:9 are special verses of promise that Randy shared with the congregation.

Gloria Kelm, an only child and raised on a northern Alberta family farm, has lived most of her life as a single mother of a son with a disability. As such, life has been fraught with challenges, but she and God decided together that she would be “up for the job.” These challenges are what helps her to grow closer to God. She and her husband, Randy, are enjoying the Bible studies, fellowship, services and helping with ACF’s food program, Community Cupboard. When she gets to heaven, Gloria expects God to greet her with, “Oh, there you are! You’ve kept me very busy!”

The unabridged testimonies of these newest ACF members can be heard on Abbeydale Christian Fellowship’s YouTube channel recorded on January 30, 2022.