Looking Back at 2023, Forward to 2024
Pansy Chapel, MB.
There is so much happening that it’s hard to know where to begin. Our year in 2023 began with prayer goals concerning outreach, baptisms, “set free” and more. Although not all were reached exactly it was amazing to see God doing so much, some things way beyond expectation. They included:
One of the 13 baptisms: this one in June in Joubert Creek was the baptism of Mike Naherniak with pastor Dylan and elder Danny officiating.
• An overflowing stage at parent/child dedication in May;
• The baptism services held in early summer—one at our now usual Joubert Creek site and the other at St. Malo where the water stays fresh longer—involving thirteen people of various ages committing their lives to Jesus;
• The youth ministries and Sunday school classes bursting at the seams;
• The need to start two services and seeing that begin in September;
• Starting tentatively with a building program slowly coming into place;
• Continuing to be passionate about supporting our friend churches in Israel, Ukraine, Cuba and Ensenada, Mexico.
Even as I write, things are happening. A large group is going to Ensenada this year; its leadership changing gradually as longtime advocate, Dennis Friesen, is decelerating while training new leader Tyler Braun. We are in the midst of bringing over another Ukrainian family—relatives of three of our numerous adopted orphans. Trish Braun continues to excel in and lead us, through her tireless work regarding this. (Update: at the time of publication, both of these projects have been beautifully completed.)
One of the goals we have for 2024 is to read through the Old Testament together as a church, and have the pastors share daily helpful comments. You can check that out on YouTube by searching for Pansy Chapel.
A big prayer/fasting/goal for the year is the word EQUIP, based on Ephesians 4:11–13. When you zero in on these verses, highlighting each thought, doesn’t it almost make you tremble in wonder? What will God lead us all through—whether hard or easier—to accomplish his perfect will?
-Betty Barkman