Letters: July/August 2024 issue

Predestination is a challenging topic for Christians [May/June 2024]

Predestination: is it an either/or, or a both/and?

Jesus was God. Jesus was man. One hundred percent each.

We leave our confessional of Jesus as Lord, and then discuss theology, select our positions, argue for them from interpretation of the text and logical deduction, with perhaps a bit of personal prejudice thrown in, each of us assuming that our viewpoint is mutually exclusive of all others.

There is little logic or reason in the confessional of Jesus as fully man and completely God. We embrace both statements as true.

God wishes us all to be saved. His will predestines us for glory and does so when we honour him. We can rejoice in our election. We can pursue the Great Commission in the hope that those whom God wishes to be part of his kingdom have the opportunity to join.

Praise be to God!

– Gordon Dyck
Steinbach, Man.


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