The Messenger

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EMC Hires New Communications Assistant

The Personnel Committee of the EMC General Board is very pleased to announce that Adrienne Funk has been hired to fill the role of Communications Assistant. This appointment is effective April 1, 2022. Adrienne will fill the position recently vacated by Andrew Walker. 

Adrienne’s primary responsibilities will be to serve as an Administrative Assistant to the Board of Church Ministries, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Leadership and Outreach. She will also provide other communications services in areas of graphic design and video production. 

Adrienne has considerable experience in Christian ministry, having served in church administration as well as with Youth for Christ. She also has training in biblical counselling. Her passion is music, and she loves to teach children to play musical instruments. She and her husband Trevor live in Tolstoi and attend the Pansy Chapel. 

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Adrienne as she transitions into this new responsibility at the EMC. You can reach her at or 204-326-6401. 

– EMC Personnel Committee