The Messenger

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What do church plants need?

As your church members take some time off this summer to prepare for ministry programming starting in September, I’d like to encourage you individually and collectively to consider making some of your resources available to new church plants near you.

The EMC currently has 11 church plants and outreaches across Canada, defined as being roughly in their first 10 years of existence or receiving subsidy from the conference. Let me introduce you to these churches and their pastors/leaders.


  • The Forge (St. Thomas) – Bill and Beth Janzen. Began in 2019. Focus is on de-churched or non-churched people. Average attendance: 40.

  • Glory of Christ (Toronto) – Jember and Tina Rijato. Began in 2019. Focus is on Ethiopian and Eritrean immigrants. Average attendance: 50.


  • Spanish Outreach (Winnipeg) – Mario Alvizurus. Began in 2015. Average attendance: 10.

  • The ConneXion (Arborg) – Peter Dueck. Began in 2006. Focus is on BELLS model (Bless, Eat, Listen, Learn, Sent). Average attendance: 20.

  • Kingdom Life Church (Winnipeg) – Ibrahim and Phebe Zabaneh. Began in 2020. Focus is on Arab-speaking people, primarily refugees. Average attendance: 50.

  • Many Rooms Church Community (Winnipeg) – Dave Guenther, Jen Kornelsen, Stephanie Unger. Began in 2004. Focus is on house churches in inner-city. Average attendance: 50.

  • Outreach (Ste. Agathe) – Scott and Debbie Dick. Began in 2018. Focus is on families in this predominantly French-speaking, dual-income, commuter community, 15-minutes south of Winnipeg. Average attendance – 25 people attend various bible studies and kids’ events.

  • Winnipeg Logos – Helen Wang. Began in 2017. Focus is on Chinese immigrants. Average attendance: 10.


  • Ephrata Evangelical Church (Edmonton) – Molugeta Kalisho. Began in 2019. Focus is on Ethiopian and Eritrean immigrants. Average attendance: 15.

  • Gospel Light Fellowship (Redcliff) – Abe and Kara Penner. Began in 2013. Focus on community and Low-German speaking people. Average attendance: 20.

  • Island Gospel Church (Bow Island) – Abe and Lisa Dyck. Began in 2021. Focus is on Low-German speaking people. Average attendance: 70.

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of resources that our church plants would benefit from:

  • Prayer support

  • Prayer walking

  • Financial support for building rentals, outreach events, etc.

  • Donations of music equipment, toys, other supplies

People who can:

  • Play guitar, keyboard, percussion, or another instrument

  • Train church plant leadership in finance

  • Help write the constitution

  • Help with acquiring charitable status

  • Serve on the church board

  • Teach a Sunday School class

  • Teach English to first generation members of immigrant churches

  • Host a Bible study

  • Bake snacks for ministry events

  • Join in outreach events – handing out flyers, or wherever needed

  • Help with VBS

  • Provide sound or media tech support

  • Preach a Sunday sermon

  • Babysit the church planters’ kids

  • Help run youth events

  • Help run men’s events

  • Help run women’s events

Together, the body of Christ can see the church grow in a city, town, or neighbourhood near you! Thank you for your support!