The Messenger

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The Messenger Index: 2016


Sabbaticals and the Golden Rule (January)

When EMC mail appears in the pastor’s mailbox (February)

When Physicians Meet Metaphysics (March-April)

10 Tips for Connecting With University Students (May)

Young People, Churches, and Chaplains (June)

The Task Arminius Never Finished (October)

Diverse Worship Styles Within the EMC (November-December)


Decisions from 115 years ago (May)

Voices: Hebrews 11 and EMC history (July-August)

The Pain of Bern (September)


Ben Eidse: Missions Scholar, Pioneer, Faith Eidse (July-August)

An Ill-Advised Resolution Against Israel, Don Plett (October)


The Twelve Greatest Words Ever Put on Paper! Russell Doerksen (January)

A Case for Christ-centred Nonviolence, Dr. Preston Sprinkle (January)

So What is Happening in Christian Higher Education? Dr. Rob Reimer (January)

Living With Refugees, Menno Plett (January)

I Believe in Jesus! Len Harms (February)

My Walk to Church, Mary Brandt (February)

Sunday School is for Adults Too! Michael Zwaagstra (February)

Jesus, Born of the Virgin Mary, Eric Isaac (March-April)

We Are More Than Conquerors Through Jesus, Mark von Kampen (March-April)

The Prophet is an Ass, Dr. Michael J. Gilmour (March-April)

Christ Rose, Take It Personally, Kevin Wiebe (May)

Through 50 Years In Germany, In Him I Trust! Mary Brandt (May)

Immigration: An Ancient Story In Modern Times, Angel Infantes (May)

Dr. Preston Sprinkle: Non-violence Is Central To Jesus’ Message, James Driedger (May)

The Ascension of Christ, Dr. Arden Thiessen (June)

The Christ of the Immigrant, Angel Infantes (June)

To Help the Church, We Must Remember Education! Russell Doerksen (June)

Christ the Judge: Our Hope and Future, Shannon Doerksen (July-August)

The Holy Spirit is Okay With Being Listed Last, Dwight Plett (July-August)

My Blameless Life: Reflections on Psalm 26, Dr. Ed Neufeld (July-August)

Being the Communion of Saints, Troy Selley (September)

A Caboose, a Call, and 56 Years Later, Dave Harms (September)

Advancing Christ’s Kingdom Culture, Garry Koop (September)

I Believe in . . . the Forgiveness of Sins, Dr. Harvey Plett (October)

Teaching the Christ-Centred Gospel, Dr. Darryl G. Klassen (October)

You Are a Pacifist and You Called the Police? Layton Friesen (October)

Resurrecting Our Belief in the Resurrection of the Body, Paul Walker (November-December)

The Apostles’ Creed: Life Everlasting, David Thiessen (November-December)

As We Gather For Life-Changing Experiences, Dylan Barkman (November-December)


Your Pastor’s Preaching (July-August)


Abbeydale (October)

Aberdeen (February)

Anola (January)

Birch River (March-April)

Blumenort (January (two), July-August)

Braeside (July-August, October)

Creighton (January)

Crestview (January, May, July-August, October)

Fort Garry (July-August, September)

Grace (February)

Heartland (February, March-April. May, June, October)

Kleefeld (February, May, November-December)

Kola (February)

MacGregor (May)

Many Rooms (January, July-August)

Mennville (October)

Morweena (January)

Pansy (July-August, September)

Pelly (May, June. July-August)

Pleasant Valley (October)

Portage (January, March-April, September, October, November-December)

Redcliff (October)

Ridgewood (June)

Roseisle (February, May)

Rosenort FC (May, June, November-December)

Steinbach EMC (February, October)

Straffordville (February, March-April, November-December)

Swan River (July-August)

Taber (March-April, November-December)

Tillsonburg (March-April)

Vanderhoof (May, October)

Wymark (June)


Advancing Christ's Kingdom Culture, Garry Koop (September)

Ministerial Ponders Draft Statement of Faith'Ministerial Ponders Draft Statement of Faith (September)

Council Approves Option Two, Church Planting Highlighted (September)

Photo Collage (September)

Teaching the Christ-Centred Gospel, Dr. Darryl G. Klassen (October)

As We Gather for Life-Changing Experiences, Dylan Barkman (November-December)


Life and death in 2016 (January)

2016, an old year (January)

It is amazing! (February)

Syria and elsewhere (February)

Effects of cutbacks on BCM (March-April)

Don’t just follow your heart! (March-April)

Feedback is important! (May)

Fort McMurray is burning (May)

Significant events that can’t be printed (June)

Global warming and forced changes (June)

And Yet They Served (July-August)

A Gentle Protest Against ‘No Funeral’ (July-August)

What’s gained by being in the EMC? (September)

Abortion, a forgotten issue? (September)

Loyalty Today (October)

Self-determination, Framework (October)

A Clash With Christmas (November-December)

The In/Visible God (November-December)


Support for Our EMC Mission Work is Strong! (March-April)

Those Who Have Ears to Hear… (July-August)

C2C and God's Call (November-December)


In the Shadow of Mennonite Terrorism (January)

MCC and abortion (February)

Do Canadian Christians Face Persecution? (March-April)

Being Humble With Books (May)

Fatted Calves for the Church Organist (June)

Is Your Congregation the Real Church? (July-August)

Beauty That Takes Us Captive (September)

Who’s Afraid of Liberals? (October)

Distracted in Two Directions (November-December)


Rest at Kerith Pines (January)

On Being Loved (February)

The Most Creative Thing I Do (March-April)

A High View of God (May)

Defining Personal Joy (June)

Fear Overcomes Fear (July-August)

Blindspots (September)

Incomprehensible (October)

Fall On Your Knees (November-December)


A New Year, a new start (January)

February is Cool! (February)

The Colours of April (March-April)

Do You Get Angry? (May)

A Special Diet (June)

Your Favourite Place (July-August)

All About Change (September)

Ten Things for Which to be Thankful (October)

The First Visitors (November-December)


Our response to evil must not become functional apathy, Ray Hill (February)

Antidote applauded, Brenda Funk (February)

Broken, But Willing, Dan Friesen (March-April)

Live with Kingdom vision and values, Dr. Arley Loewen (May)

We don’t recognize persecution, Agatha Rempel (May)

Seeking Peace in Israel-Palestine, Dan Dyck (October)

Do We Love the Whole Church? Ray Hill (October)

God Himself Corrects Israel, Jen Kornelsen (November-December)

Conflict and Friends, Ward Parkinson (November-December)

Restoration, Ray Hill (November-December)


Europe/MENA: Nicole James (January)

Mexico: Dallas Wiebe (January)

Europe/MENA: Nicole James (February)

Nicaragua: Elizabeth Vado (February)

Northern Alberta: Arlyn van Enns (February)

Germany: Tammy and Phil Peters (March-April)

Paraguay: Ken Zacharias (March-April)

Ethiopia: Angela and Rolf Kruse (March-April)

Papua New Guinea: Tim and Laurel Schroder (March-April)

Mexico: Diane Koop (May)

Wisconsin: Dave and Kim Field (May)

Bolivia: John and Helen Froese (May)

Mexico: Garry Koop (June)

Paraguay: Travis and Rosey Zacharias (June)

PNG/Arizona: Phil and Ellen Koop (June)

Bolivia: Caroline Krahn (June)

Paraguay: Dave Schmidt (June)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (September)

Northern Canada: Albert Martens (October)

Canada: Heidi Plett (October)

Burkina Faso: Fabe Traore (October)

Poplar Hill, Ont.: Albert Martens (November-December)

Ontario: Harvey J. Thiessen (November-December)

Congo: Tamera Peters (November-December)

Winnipeg: Andrew Reimer (November-December)


Council approves budget and magazine analysis (January)

Ministerial ponders gospel of reconciliation (January)

EMC ends 2015 with $200,000 deficit (February)

AFC video license not renewed by BCM (February)

Parkinson leaving conference pastor role in July 2016 (February)

2016 conference budget and program are revised (May)

Presentation of Revised Statement of Faith (May)

Project Builders hosts women’s seminars (May)

Quarterly Financial Report (May)

Region 1 Retreat considers ‘Living Stones and Chosen People’ (June)

National staff members travel, make connections (June)

Unsung heroes in the national office (July-August)

Verna Doerksen, Manfred and Stella Neff honoured at recognition supper (October)

National office staff fan out in Region 3 (November-December)

Ralph Unger appointed interim Conference Pastor (November-December)


MDS project directors deeply rooted in service (February)

Gunden honoured for rescuing Jewish children (March-April)

Foodgrains Bank launches African drought appeal (March-April)

Foodgrains Bank responding to El Nino drought in Ethiopia (March-April)

In war-torn Syria, emergency good brings hope to families (March-April)

MCC joins in U.N.’s World Refugee Day on June 20 (May)

Dr. Arden Thiessen publishes Twenty Big Questions (May)

PTS graduate (June)

CMU graduate (June)

A coffin maker overcomes evil with good (June)

‘Not in my name’—European Mennonites reject violence (June)

Renewal decade to commemorate 500th anniversary (June)

89 graduate from CMU on April 24 (July-August)

Sask. News (MCCS appointment) (July-August)

People, Pentecost, and MWC (July-August)

Cornelius: Stand with, pray for, give to help during drought in Ethiopia (September)

Reconciling the Radical Reformation (September)

Spring Into Song Wraps Up Successful First Year (September)

Overcoming Isolation (September)

Columbia Bible College graduate (September)

IMC’s 50th anniversary shows faith living still (November-December)

‘Digging for Treasure’ in Jesus’ parables (November-December)

Drought in Africa continues to be severe (November-December)

EMC Archives gains from partnership with MHC (November-December)


Annie Dueck (nee Zacharias), 1922-2015 (February)

Ann Annette Walton van Enns, 1957-2016 (March-April)

Kurtis William Friesen, 1992-2015 (June)

Lena (Lillie) C Bartel (nee Loewen), 1931-2015 (June)

Loraine Elizabeth (Neufeld) Hiebert, 1933-2016 (July-August)

Norman Penner Thiessen, 1931-2015 (July-August)

Elma (Thiessen) Plett, 1928-2016 (September)

Annie Brandt (nee Barkman), 1936-2016 (October)



The Deadline, Brigitte Toews (March-April)

Forty Times, Ray Hill (March-April)

For The Beautiful Boy, Janet Zacharias (July-August)

A Carpenter’s Son, Eleanor Lee Gustaw (November-December)


Region 1 Retreat considers ‘Living Stones and Chosen People’ (June)


A Case for Christ-centred Nonviolence, Dr. Preston Sprinkle (January)

So What is Happening in Christian Higher Education? Dr. Rob Reimer (January)

Pastoral students visit EMC national office (February)

Impact evening an ‘amazing experience’ (February)

MBs of Manitoba join as a supporting conference of SBC (March-April)

MDS ‘bridge raising’ could be first of many (March-April)

Dr. Preston Sprinkle: Non-violence Is Central To Jesus’ Message, James Driedger (May)

48 graduate from SBC (June)

Tournament raises $60,000 for SBC (July-August)


God loves a cheerful receiver (January)

Lessons from Peach Bottom Community Church (February)

Autonomy and Community (March-April)

It’s Time We Had ‘The Talk’ (May)

Reducing the Potential for Drama: Managing Heirlooms and Personal Effects (June)

Joy Proposition (July-August)

What Did You Plant This Spring? (September)

A Big Change (October)

When a Little Becomes a Lot (November-December)


Caring Cross-Culturally . . . (July-August)

Come Celebrate God’s Work in Nicaragua! (November-December)


Rewilding the Way: Break Free to Follow an Untamed God, Todd Wynward ()

The Naked Anabaptist: the bare essentials of a radical faith (revised), Stuart Murray ()

Judges For You, Timothy Keller (June)

Benefit of the Doubt: Breaking the Idol of Certainty, Gregory A. Boyd (June)

Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians, Mark A. Tietjen (July-August)

Twenty Big Questions: Towards a Biblical Worldview for Restless Truth Seekers, Arden Thiessen (two reviews) (July-August)

Peace Clan, Peter M. Sensenig (September)

People To Be Loved: Why Homosexuality is Not Just an Issue, Preston Sprinkle (November-December)

1 and 2 Chronicles, August H. Konkel (November-December)

Links to 2016 Issues