The Messenger

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The Messenger Index: 2008


Where was God? Judy Schmidt (January 12)

The New City, Larry Miller (January 26)

The story behind the photograph, Herman and Anne Fehr (February 9)

Spiritual retreats: How do we make them work? Irma Janzen (February 23)

These churches are unstoppable! Darlene Olfert (March 9)

Mennonite conferences differ on women in the pulpit, Paul Schrag (March 9)

We are not forsaken in our suffering! Tom Warner (March 23)

The lack of deep community, Dawson Kroeker (March 23)

Living in community, walking with people, sharing the precious gift of love, Pam Driedger (April 6)

Death and life for Christ and the Christian, Jake Enns (April 20)

Let a child be a child! Harvey Plett (May 4)

Using excess money: the wealthy in the land, Wally Kroeker (May 25)

Three conversions needed, Wally Kroeker (May 25)

Ethiopian church grows and faces challenges, Byron Rempel-Burkholder (June 15)

After 60 years, would I do it again? Dave K. Schellenberg (June 29)

Beyond Integration: It’s not my problem? Wally Doerksen (July 20)

Finding calm in the chaos through an exclusive allegiance, Rod Masterson (August 17)

Back to School? Why? Dr. Al Hiebert (August 17)

Finding calm in the chaos through an exclusive trust, Rod Masterson (September 7)

What are the benefi ts of being part of the EMC? Ron Penner (September 7)

AIDS has a face, Menno Plett (September 7)

Finding calm in the chaos through an exclusive reverence, Rod Masterson (September 21)

The future of the Anabaptist vision, Walter Klaassen (September 21)

Finding calm in the chaos through an exclusive holiness, Rod Masterson (October 5)

Welcome to the Church! Layton Friesen (October 19)

A new radical remembers a child of God, Bill McCaskell (November 2)

Bear one another’s burdens, Layton Friesen (November 2)

Grieving losses other than death, Irma Janzen (November 16)

Joy to the World! Ed Peters (December 7)

¿Dios Todopoderoso en us Pesebre? Almighty God in a Manger? Lester Olfert (December 28)


Apologies and forgiveness (February 9)

The family of God (March 23)

Are we joyful as Christians? (June 15)

Church planting and my family (August 17)


Abbeydale (August 17), (September 7), (September 21), (November 2)

Aberdeen (February 9), (March 9)

Anola (February 23), (September 21)

Blumenort (August 17)

Braeside (October 19), (December 28)

Brandon (January 26), (December 28)

Burns Lake (July 20)

Braeside (June 15)

Creighton (March 23), (October 5)

Crestview (October 5)

Fort Frances (April 6), (September 7), (October 5)

Fort Garry (October 5), (November 2) (correction)

Good News (October 19)

Grande Prairie (February 23), (March 9), (May 25)

High Level (February 23), (November 2)

Kleefeld (April 20), (July 20), (November 2)

Kola (June 29)

La Crete (March 9)

Landmark (June 15), (July 20)

Leamington (June 15)

Lorette (July 20), (October 19)

MacGregor (June 29), (December 7)

Mennville (February 9), (July 20)

Morris (May 25), (December 28)

Morweena (March 9)

Mount Salem (December 28)

Pansy (February 23), (June 29), (September 21)

Pelly (January 26), (June 15), (October 19)

Pleasant Valley (May 25), (December 14)

Portage (January 12), (February 23), (May 25), (August 17), (November 16), (December 14)

Ridgewood (January 26)

Riverton (April 20), (June 29), (December 14)

Roseisle (April 20), (June 15), (June 29), (November 2)

Rosenort (January 26), (April 20), (July 20), (December 14)

Rosenort Fellowship (February 9), (April 6), (May 25)

Steinbach (April 6), (July 20), (September 7), (November 16)

Steinbach EFC (May 4), (September 21)

Stony Brook (March 23), (December 28)

Straffordville (January 12), (March 23), (August 17), (November 16)

Swift Current (May 4), (September 7), (December 14)

Taber (January 12), (February 23), (October 19), (December 14)

Tilbury (September 7)

Tillsonburg (February 9), (July 20), (October 19)

Treesbank (February 9), (February 23), (May 25), (September 7)

Vanderhoof (August 17)

Wymark (March 9), (November 2)


Tillsonburg, Ont. (October 19)


Remember those who suffer (January 12)

SCOs and the law (January 12)

The EMC two-step (January 26)

Suicide never affects only one person (January 26)

What is our practical answer? (February 9)

Discussions and related contexts (February 9)

What does my Bible say? (February 23)

French Canada and the EMC (February 23)

Tipping the balance (March 9)

Exploring our theology (March 9)

Mexico and Native ministry in Canada (March 23)

Another blow to the farming sector (March 23)

The Ascension of Christ (April 6)

The gift of helps (April 6)

Christ’s Spirit and an expanding world (April 20)

The question woven into Acts 12 (April 20)

Districts or presbyteries? (May 4)

Our hope is in Christ (May 4)

What about safe injection sites? (May 25)

Rethinking the Church Year (May 25)

Do we assume too much in our churches? (June 8)

I am indebted (June 8)

Abundant Springs and tomorrow’s efforts (June 22)

No glib words about the weather (June 22)

Rev. Ben D. Reimer was not my uncle (July 13)

A future dark beyond our description (July 13)

Less than 72 hours (August 17)

Christ, Menno, and Luther (August 17)

Helping after Katrina (September 7)

Mutually enriching adjectives (September 7)

Suicide and church’s response (September 21)

One black sheep to another (September 21)

Thanksgiving for Corinth (October 5)

The Commission is Great (October 5)

Christ is our centre (October 19)

Lester Olfert isn’t retiring just yet (October 19)

An appreciation that goes beyond agreement (November 2)

Peace and prosperity for all (November 2)

A long-term response (November 16)

Hurt by the church? (November 16)

Advent is a time of hope (December 14)

Advent can be a time of grief (December 14)

‘Not any more’ (December 28)

The number is not in service at this time (December 28)


Spiritual Retreats: How do we make them work? Irma Janzen (February 23)

Beyond Integration: It’s not my problem? Wally Doerksen (July 20)

Fierce Goodbye: Living in the Shadow of Suicide (review) (September 21)

Are Christians missing out? Doris Penner (November 16)


A Pentecost Experience (June 15)

EMC and Frontiers sign agreement (June 29)

Dr. Harold Fast (December 28)


Are we doing real discipleship? (April 6)


Do Birds Need Boots? (January 26)

‘Every good and perfect gift comes from God’ (February 23)

Something small can be big! (March 23)

The opening month (April 20)

Are you balanced? (May 25)

Listen to your nose! (June 29)

What can the beach teach? (August 17)

Do you like change? (September 21)

Yellow Dog (October 19)

Xin’s music (November 16)

Christmas is for Kings (December 28)


What happens to the ‘untold’? David Field (January 12)

A response to An Ode to Walking, Laura Dueck (January 12)

Looking further at two questions, Terry Tiessen (January 26)

Cannot be ‘agnostic’ about the destiny of the unevangelized, David Schmidt (January 26)

Scripture and truth lovers, Joanna Budala (January 26)

New look involves money that is well spent, Dave Schellenberg (March 9)

People more important than view or interpretation, John Schlamp (corrected) (March 23)

Barrier rooted in sin, not God’s heart, Jack Heppner (April 6)

What sort of Anabaptist? Terry Tiessen (April 20)

Not feelings, but reality, Mary Doerksen (May 4)

Jesus was forsaken for us! Ivy Sawatzky (May 4)

How could the Father gaze upon sin? Darryl Klassen (May 4)

Cross-life, true discipleship needed, Dale Loewen (May 25)

SBC concerned about native ministry, Abe Bergen (May 25)

Concerned about Let a Child be a Child! Vern and Lana Knutson (June 15)

Perhaps in Pantheon, not in New Testament, Jack Heppner (June 15)

Jesus took our sins upon himself, Jason E. Dueck (June 15)

Theorizing about Christ’s death, Arden Thiessen (June 15)

A look at the derelict cry, Edwin Plett (June 15)

Jesus endured spiritual death for us, Vange Lough (June 29)

It is finished, Elizabeth Koop (July 20)

His forsakenness was predicted, John H. Knelsen (August 17)

Jesus was human and divine, Ben Eidse (September 7)

God works in ways I don’t understand, Henry Dyck (September 21)

Doreen Peters responds, Doreen Peters (September 21)

An emphasis proper beyond individualism, Matt Plett (October 5)

Truth stranger than fiction, Dale Loewen (October 5)

A paradox to be accepted, Archie Penner (October 5)

Prolonged discussion needs summation, John Schlamp (October 5)

Fierce Goodbye, suicide, and mental illness, Eckhard Goertz (October 19)

Our duty to evangelize children, Albert Dean (October 19)

Concerned about Let a Child be a Child! Cornie and Evangeline Thiessen (October 19)

Spoonfuls of hope, Daniel Keith Friesen (December 14)


Northern Manitoba: Bill and Anna Penner (January 12)

Rodney Hollinger-Janzen is new AIMM coordinator (January 26)

SEMILLA graduates 16 church leaders! (January 26)

Mali: Evelyn Barkman (February 9)

SBC pizza night (February 9)

Zambia: Anthony Thiessen (March 9)

Burkina Faso: Lillian Haas (March 9)

Venezuela: Amanda Barkman (March 23)

Uganda/Sudan: Gordon Skopnik (March 23)

Winnipeg: Kirsten Sandland (April 6)

Winnipeg: Kent Dueck (April 6)

Oaxaca, Mexico: Grace Thiessen (April 20)

Paraguay: Doris Friesen (May 4)

Mexico: Alvira Friesen (May 4)

Venezuela: Amanda Barkman (May 4)

Ken Zacharias appointed as foreign secretary (May 4)

Nicaragua: Wilbert Friesen (May 25)

Northern Manitoba: Bill and Anna Penner (May 25)

Northern Manitoba: Andrew Coates (May 25)

Ethiopia: Byron Rempel-Burkholder (June 15)

Ethiopia: Mennonite World Conference (June 15)

Ethiopia: Cherenet and Hussein visit EMC (June 15)

Papua New Guinea: Tim and Laurel Schroder (June 15)

Region 1: churches focus on native ministries (June 29)

Russia: David Field (June 29)

EMC and Frontiers sign agreement (June 29)

Peru: Verna Doerksen (July 20)

Paraguay: Mary Ann Loewen (August 17)

Philippines: Evelyn Rodgers (August 17)

Canada: EMC Golf Tournament (September 7)

Mexico: Grace Thiessen (September 7)

Philippines: Carl Loewen (September 7)

Lesotho: Kari Peters (September 21)

Four missionaries recognized on August25, Terry Smith (September 21)

Tribute to Catherine Thiessen (September 21)

Tribute to Doris Friesen (September 21)

Tribute to Peter and Anne Wiebe (September 21)

Burkina Faso/Canada: Terry Smith (September 21)

Project Macedonia 2005: Dallas and Tara Wiebe (September 21)

Colombia/Canada: Gordon Skopnik (September 21)

Lesotho: Kari Peters (September 21)

Mexico: John Froese (September 21)

Mexico: Len Sawatzky and Lester Olfert (September 21)

Special missions projects (list) (October 5), 19

Paraguay: Chris Kroeker (November 2)

Mexico: Peter and Martha Doerksen (November 16)

Kenya: Joanna Plett (November 16)

Arabia: Folk Islam and freedom in Christ (December 14)

China: Airport amazement (December 14)

Oasis, Mexico: names of members (December 14)

SBC: Mission-X (December 28)

Asia: An airport terminal and hearts language (December 28)


Looking at our theology and practice of water baptism (ministerial) (January 12)

CMU gathering sets modest record (post-secondary) (January 12)

U. of M. student luncheon (January 12)

Conference Council (January 26)

MFC appoints consultant, reopens Calgary office (January 26)

EFC sends letter to justice minister (January 26)

MCC urges security through justice (January 26)

Vietnamese leaders report being abused in prison (January 26)

The church and the poor (conference council) (February 23)

New general manager appointed to MFC (March 23)

Moderator’s letter to PM upholds traditional marriage (April 6)

Leaders ponder Behold your God! (ministerial retreat) (April 6)

FASD families need supportive faith communities (MCC) (May 4)

Abundant Springs 2005 (June 29)

Reflections on Abundant Springs 2005 (June 29)

From Kleefeld to Kolkata (MCC) (July 20)

Ministers explore stresses in pastorate (August 17)

Council hears reports and proposals (August 17)

Clubs wielded for good causes (September 7)

EMC youth enjoy a great view! (September 7)

Convention offerings (September 7)

Conference council elections (September 7)

Convention ladies session (September 7)

Survey says, Sept 7, (October 5)

MWC: Vietnamese Mennonite pastor released (September 21)

Brandon church received into conference (September 21)

MDS responding after Katrina and Rita (October 19)

A Canadian Evangelical Anabaptist Seminary (October 19)

MCC faces demand for school kits (November 2)

EMCers in Kabul, Afghanistan (November 2)

Canadian Volunteers (MDS Region V) (November 2)

CFGB responds to southern African food crisis (November 2)

Ambassador’s tribute to Soviet Christians remembered (November 2)

Higher education amalgamation under EFC (November 16)

MCC joins call to aid world’s poor (November 16)

Katrina clean up nets warm hugs (November 16)

Dialogue and joint action vital, says CWC (November 16)

MCC Canada supports ecumenical water campaign (November 16)

Christians most persecuted in world (December 14)

EMCers and MDS (December 14)

Southern Manitoba post-secondary supper held in Winnipeg (December 14)

Conference office staff photo (December 14)

Aboriginal leaders express deep concern (EFC) (December 28)

Latin American churches suffer loss and destruction (MWC) (December 28)

Letter re: CPTers held in Iraq (December 28)


Joshua Nathan Chad Kroeker,1984–2005 (January 12)

Mary Koop, Dec. 26, 2003 (memorial) (January 12)

Helen Lena Kroeker, Dec. 4, 2004 (January 12)

Margaret (Peggy) Kleinpeter, 1912–2004 (January 12)

Lydia Awdiuk, Jan. 1, 2005 (January 26)

Clarence Eric Grant, Dec. 12, 2004 (January 26)

Margaret Friesen, Oct. 7, 2004 (January 26)

Andrew Siemens,1991–2003 (memorial) (January 26)

Mariah LaDawn Penner, Jan. 28, 2003 (memorial) (February 9)

Arielle Jimena Penner, Dec. 20, 2004 (memorial) (February 9)

Mary Eidse Aug. 11, 2004 (February 23)

Jessie Reimer July 26, 2004 (March 23)

Magaretha Brandt, Jan. 5, 2005 (April 6)

Frank L. Friesen, Dec. 27, 2004 (April 6)

Frank C.L. Friesen, 1917–2004 (April 6)

Frances Fast, 1955–2005 (April 20)

Irvin Peter Thiessen, Jan. 29, 2005 (April 20)

Gertrude Reimer, April 19, 2005 (May 4)

William Fehr, 1949–2004 (memorial) (May 4)

Casey Daniel Penner, 1991–2005 (May 25)

John Dueck, 1946–2005 (June 15)

Jean (Penner) Reimer, 1974–2005 (June 15)

Jacob L. Kroeker, April 25, 2005 (June 15)

Martha (Kroeker) Loewen, May 9, 2005 (June 15)

Justina Friesen Dueck, 1919–2005 (June 29)

David E. Plett, 1918–2005 (June 29)

Justina Eidse Siemens, May 21, 2005 (June 29)

Menno Richard Kroeker, March 30, 2005 (June 29)

Agnes Dueck Friesen, 1914–2005 (June 29)

Elizabeth Friesen Dueck, June 26, 2005 (July 20)

Clara Penner, Aug. 7, 2005 (September 7)

Mary (Rempel) Giesbrecht, June 4, 2005 (September 21)

Annie (Anne) Klassen, 1925–2005 (September 21)

Clayton Leroy Scharfenberg, Aug.11, 2005 (October 5)

John Richard Veer, 1951–2005 (October 19)

Ken Loewen, Oct. 18, 2004 (memorial) (October 19)

Otto Plett, 1934–2005 (November 16)

Margaret R. Reimer, (November 16), 2005 (December 14)

Margaret (Dueck) Dueck, Dec. 25, 2004 (December 28)

Peter U. Dueck, Oct. 9, 2005 (December 28)


Memories of the first Messenger (May 4)

Change and leaders who watch over our souls (October 5)

Preserving our heritage (November 2)


Martha Raas, MCC (March 23)

Leon Janzen, MCC (March 23)

Eva Esau, MCC (March 23)

Judy and Dave Schmidt, BOM (April 20)

Chris and Renita Kroeker, BOM (April 20)

Peter and Anne Wiebe, BOM (April 20)

Catherine Thiessen, BOM (April 20)

Ken Zacharias, BOM (May 4)

Amy Marie Epp, AMBS (June 29)

Lois Unrau, AMBS (June 29)

Larry Eidse, BOT (September 7)


Do modern-day miracles surprise me? Erna Dueck (January 12)

Incredible providence, Archie Penner (February 9)

Young families, go out and take the gospel somewhere! Margaret Dueck (March 9)

The Impact, Delores Barkman (June 15)

Why I wish I had known that my husband was human, Heather Plett (July 20)

Henry Isaac: Dad had time for me, Robyn Isaac (November 2)


The Christian Marathon, L. Marie Enns (February 23)

Guilty no more, Laura Plett Siemens (April 20)

Children of my children, Laura Plett Siemens (May 25)

Where to Find Him, L. Marie Enns (November 2)

Walk With Me, Laura Plett Siemens (November 2)

I wonder, Betty K. Siemen (December 14)

Child on the hay, L. Marie Enns (December 14)

¿Quién será más importante en esta Navidad? Emily (December 28)


Region 7 youth retreat (January 12)

Region 1 churches focus on native ministries (June 29)

Region 6 mission conference (December 14)


SBC graduates 29 (May 4)

Higher education amalgamation under EFC (November 16)


In lieu of flowers (January 26)

The blessing and the curse (February 23)

God’s Gift: The prince of peace (March 23)

Stewardship: more than the harvest (April 20)

When should pastors preach about stewardship? (May 25)

I was here! (July 20)

On receiving graciously (September 7)

Is seeking wealth a proper Christian vocation? (October 5)

Who’s Right? (October 19)

For this water, may we be truly thankful (November 2)

Berries, cold gravy and generosity (November 16)


Dealing with retirement adjustments (September 21)

Three influences toward missions (December 14)


Marie-Louise (January 12)

Susie: A love that serves (February 23)

Viola: Worth is not determined by doing (March 23)

First impressions (April 20)

Katherine (May 4)

Edna: ‘Pray always…’ (June 15)

Helen—Called to Teach (August 17)

Hitomi: All people are precious (September 7)

Anne: Farther along we’ll understand why (October 5)

Tunnels: Breaking through to the light (November 2)

Home for Christmas! (December 14)


Whiteman’s Gospel, Craig Stephen Smith (March 9)

Nestor Machno and the Eichenfeld Massacre: A civil war tragedy in a Ukrainian Mennonite Village, Harvey L. Dyck and others (March 9)

Chortitzer history book (March 9)

One Who Dared: Life story of Ben D. Reimer, Doreen Reimer Peters (September 7)

Fierce Goodbye: Living in the shadow of suicide, G.L. and G.C. Carr (September 21)

Links to 2008 Issues