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The EFC calls for action against MAiD expansion

OTTAWA—The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) is encouraging Canadian Christians to interact with their Members of Parliament to share their concerns and grave misgivings about the planned expansion of medical assistance in dying in Canada.

As of March 2023, people with mental illness alone will become eligible for assisted dying in Canada. [NOTE: On Dec. 16 the justice minister announced he will introduce a bill after the Christmas break to delay the expansion from taking effect sometime later than the March 2023 deadline.] Along with many others who have spoken out, the EFC is gravely concerned about the impact of this change on vulnerable Canadians. As an organization that speaks regularly in the public square, we have consistently communicated our deep disagreement with this expansion, and concern over how it will impact people with mental health concerns and those who love them.

“We know two things to be true: many Canadians will experience a mental health crisis in their lifetime and many Canadians struggle to access timely, affordable care in times of crisis. Canadians living with mental health challenges need more supports and treatment options,” says Julia Beazley, director of public policy for the EFC.

“Many Canadians will experience a mental health crisis in their lifetime and many Canadians struggle to access timely, affordable care in times of crisis. Canadians living with mental health challenges need more supports and treatment options.”

“It’s especially concerning that this significant expansion of MAiD is being introduced into a health care system that is already under extreme stress and underserving the populations that need it the most. MAiD is the last thing people struggling with mental illness need. They need care, compassion and practical treatment.”

This expansion of MAiD will greatly increase the risk that Canadians will end their lives via MAiD because they feel they have no other options.

The EFC asks Canadian Christians to engage actively in this issue in the coming days and weeks.

“There is time now for one final push to reach our Members of Parliament with our concerns,” says Beazley. “If nothing happens, this change will take effect. We need to ask our MPs to stop the expansion of MAiD to Canadians with mental illness alone.”

The EFC encourages Christians and any Canadian concerned with this expansion to:

Contact your MP and express your concerns. Ask your MP to stop this harmful expansion. Find your MP’s contact information at

Download the EFC’s Action Kit on MAiD for Mental Illness for tips on interacting even more effectively. Share your concerns and the action kit with a friend or family member so they can contact their MP, too. Find the kit at

Pray for our fellow Canadians who are vulnerable to MaiD, that they would know they are not alone and that they would have better options for living.

EMC statement on MAiD

The impact of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has been increasing in Canada since the bill was first introduced, with a planned expansion that will include those suffering from mental illness. Paragraph 4 of the EMC Statement of Faith states that “human life is sacred … and must be protected.” In keeping with this belief, the EMC General Board approved signing on to a statement from EFC encouraging our government to limit the expansion of MAiD in Canada. See how you can participate in calling on our government to put limits on the expansion of MAiD.