The Messenger

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Tournament marks its 24th anniversary

Three church building projects in Nicaragua, a garden tractor to be used in South Sudan, and ICYA building renovations in Winnipeg—these are the projects benefiting from fundraising by EMC Project Builders at its 24th anniversary golf tournament on June 24, 2018.

The church building projects will receive a total of $10,000; an equal amount will support the assembly and production of a walk-behind garden tractor, which can be locally built and sold in South Sudan to aid in agricultural projects; and $13,000 will help ICYA.

Want to know more about the effect of Project Builders’ giving? Funds raised over and above these projects will support a ministry centre in Myanmar, a portable recording studio in Paraguay, outreach in northern Manitoba, office equipment for a Romanian evangelist, radio ministry in Mali, ministry in Afghanistan, several building renovations for ministries in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, a translation project in Myanmar, a school building in Mexico, and camp development in Brazil.

The EMC Project Builders Golf Tournament has been well supported by a great group of generous sponsors, many of whom have contributed to this event in all of these years. It has been well attended by golfers of all abilities who have come from all our Manitoba regions and have shared in the fellowship and camaraderie of this recreational event.

The tournament’s success is because of the dedicated work of planning committees that each year give many volunteer hours to organize an event enjoyable to all who attend. Yet what truly drives the golf tournament is the financial support it gives to the mission and ministry of Project Builders.

Project Builders is a para-EM Conference organization, operating under a separate committee of business and professional people with a heart for supporting special projects and programs initiated by our missionaries and the national churches associated with our EMC missions program.

We are committed to working in association with our missionaries to enhance areas of ministry being developed through their vision and implementation. Over the years we have supported hundreds of projects that have had a huge impact in building Christ’s Church. Project Builders, which started in 1973 as the EMC Missions Auxiliary, has existed much longer than its golf tournament.

The best way to describe the work of Project Builders is to say it considers many wide-ranging applications each year. Typically we support from 12 to 15 projects annually. A new slate of potential projects is reviewed by the Project Builders committee and presented to our membership for approval in November.

The work of Project Builders is financed through our members who each provide an annual donation of $250. More funds are raised through additional donations and an event such as the golf tournament. We welcome members from all our EMC congregations.

We are always available to present the work of Project Builders in adult Sunday Schools, church services, or by invitation to a business breakfast or lunch. For contact and membership information you are invited to visit the EMC website at http://www.emconference/projectbuilders, email the conference office at, or contact me at