The Messenger

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Letters (March/April 2023)

Something new [Jan/Feb 2023 issue]

I appreciate Loreena Thiessen’s articles and fun ideas she shares with the children. However, “Something new” in the Jan/Feb 2023 issue of The Messenger is very disappointing.

The article seeks to help children know what to do with negative thoughts that may come with experiences out of their control. Although one idea given is to pray for the person whose presence they may have lost, there is little mention of bringing their sorrow or anger to Jesus—other than “surrender[ing] to God in worship.” The main thrust of the article directs children to try to think new and good thoughts. Is that the main vehicle we Christians are left with to deal with our pain?

An opportunity has been lost to remind children that:

1. Our Heavenly Father knows our sadness and troubling thoughts. Psalm 142:3, “When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then you knew my path.”

2. God understands our pain. Jesus was a “man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3).

3. God wants us to tell him about our problems. Psalm 116:1, “I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy.”

4. We might need to wait. Sometimes feelings of sadness or anger don’t disappear right away, but we need to keep giving them to Jesus. “Wait on the Lord ...” (Psalm 27:14).

Even though The Messenger has a disclaimer about the views of the writers not necessarily lining up with the EMC or the editors, the editors do have a responsibility to see that the contents reflect our biblical faith.

God bless you all,

– Evangeline Thiessen
Grande Prairie, Alta.

NOT all the same, and more [Jan/Feb 2023 issue]

I appreciated the article by Arley Loewen, “NOT all the same,” in the last Messenger, also the following one by Doris Penner about the influx of immigrants (having been one myself some 60 years ago).

I enjoy most of all the “In Memory” stories, remembering the admonition in Hebrews 13:7. In the German language it says there: “Ihr Ende schauet an und folget Ihrem Glauben nach.” (Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.) Thank you.

– Mark Gerber
Fort Frances, Ont.

Dear members of the Aberdeen Church,

It is with heavy hearts that we write this letter to say goodbye to such an extraordinary church community. The long history that you have with the Conference will not be forgotten, and your presence will be deeply missed.

It is remarkable how much impact your church has had on the EM Conference, bringing both deep wisdom and passion. You have had a hand in the founding and development of several EMC congregations, including our own. The early development of our church benefited greatly from inspirational leaders like David Thiessen and Al Friesen; pastors that were first called and developed by Aberdeen. Your service and dedication to the community has been an inspiration to us all. Your kindness and generosity have touched the lives of so many individuals within our conference and beyond.

As you leave our conference, we want to express our deepest gratitude for everything you have done. We wish you all the best on your new journey, and we pray that your community will continue to grow and flourish in the years ahead. We look forward to the possibility of future collaborations and connections.

Thank you for being such an exceptional church community, and for the legacy that you leave behind. You have touched the lives of so many, and your presence will be deeply missed.

With love and gratitude,

– Council on behalf of
Fort Garry EMC
Winnipeg, Man.

Dear EMC churches and conference staff,

We are writing to thank you for the fellowship and support you have extended to Aberdeen EMC over these past many years. It has been greatly appreciated.

As you know, our congregation went through a lengthy process of discernment which affirmed the importance of conference affiliation and concluded in the decision that it was time for us to seek a denominational affiliation that more closely aligned with our beliefs in affirming women in all roles within the church and in broader inclusion.

Some in our congregation have been part of the EMC conference for their whole lives and experienced considerable pain over this decision. A few of our members have decided to leave Aberdeen in order to maintain those ties. A few others wish to remain in Aberdeen but retain their ties to the EMC. Thank you for the grace you extended to us throughout this process and our subsequent withdrawal from the EMC conference.

This past weekend the Aberdeen congregation was accepted into the Mennonite Church Manitoba conference. While we look forward to this new relationship, we want to recognize the significant role the EMC has played in the life of our congregation and to wish you God’s blessings as we continue to serve God together through our respective conferences.

With appreciation,

– Aberdeen Church
Executive Committee
Winnipeg, Man.