The Messenger

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Letters — Jan. / Feb. 2024

EMC Missionary Fellowship ‘like a family gathering’ [Nov/Dec 2023 issue]

We read with interest the description by Nancy Friesen of the state of affairs in Bolivia, especially the lack of biblical literacy. One organization that is producing free materials in heart languages, including Low German, is Bible for Children ( which is based in Winnipeg. They have produced Bible events/stories in each of 467 languages which, to date, have been downloaded over 60 million times.

Each event comes in several formats including an online book that can be read on a computer screen or mobile device and a black and white booklet that can be printed and coloured. Audiobooks in the form of video that can be listened to while being read are being added.

My wife and I also have a burden for the Low German-speaking children of Latin and South America who may not have access to the gospel in their heart language and so have begun to volunteer with Bible for Children by producing the video versions of their Low German Bible events. A few have been posted with more on the way.

– Randy and Sieglinde Hiebert

East Selkirk, Man.