The Messenger

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Where did this MCC suspicion originate? [Sept/Oct Issue]

Recently we were made aware of a rumour that the General Board was beginning a review process for evaluating conference affiliations with other agencies. Specifically mentioned to be at the centre of this discussion was Mennonite Central Committee. Upon reading the Conference Council minutes of June 29, 2024, the rumour was validated. As a matter of fact, the “position of MCC was a driver to begin this review process,” the minutes state. Furthermore, later in the question and answer period, it was stated the reason for this review was to “determine how we connect with organizations drifting theologically and we are no longer comfortable being closely aligned with them.”

Our question is: Where did this suspicion of MCC originate and who is driving it? From our reading of Scripture, (e.g. Matthew 25 and the gospel’s clear teaching on love for all people), the work of MCC is central to the mandate of our master Jesus Christ. If the EMC would ever consider cutting ties with MCC, whose work is clearly done “in the name of Christ,” it would be our opinion that the conference was theologically adrift. Additionally, the EMC would be distancing itself from our global Anabaptist community which is closely aligned with MCC. Some of us members would need to ask the question of how closely we would want to be aligned with this conference.

– Ron and Ruth Penner

Winnipeg, Man.