The Messenger

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God is Working in the North!

In the last few years life and ministry has been very different for all of us. Things in Northern Manitoba are slowly getting back to normal, and God is working! Here are some areas I have seen him move recently.

The Serving And Leadership Training (SALT) youth group in Split Lake has gone through some changes. For most of the fall we struggled to find a place to meet. We met outside as long as we could and then moved to having our study in the vehicle.

A building we have used in the past and were hoping to make use of again burned down! But God has provided us with a new option. There are a few Christian teachers in the school that have been allowing us to use their classrooms. It has been good having them there as well. It is good for the youth to have regular interactions with other adult Christians in the community.

There have been many significant tragedies recently. I know at least three families that have lost a parent in the last few months as well as many losses due to suicide this year. The tragedy weighing most heavily on my mind is a car accident at the end of October that claimed the lives of the mother, uncle and brother-in-law of some regular SALT attendees. Their sister was in this accident as well. She is stable but still in the hospital. Please pray for them—especially with Christmas coming. Pray that God would fill them with hope, strength, peace and joy and that I would know how to best be a support.

Going for drives has been a huge part of ministry recently too. I don’t know what it is about the North, but driving around is enjoyed by so many. A few weeks ago, I picked up supper with a girl and then we went for a long (80 km) drive while we ate. We went to my house for a bit after and then she asked to go for another drive! We went around town looking at Christmas lights for a while. I enjoy these times too. It provides an opportunity to listen to the music they like, listen when they choose to speak and, often, I have the chance to share what God has been teaching me or speak truth into their situations.

God is working in the North! I know of many young people striving to put God first and follow him. Please pray for our team to have wisdom and unity. Pray that God would bring us more staff and volunteers as there is always more that could be done. Pray for Midway Bible Camp as we hope to have camp this next summer; it is hard to know how to plan with ever-changing restrictions. And finally, pray that I would remain faithful and obedient to Christ. Thank you for your prayers!