The Messenger

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December is a busy month for Straffordville EMC

Membership candidates: Sarah Froese, Christina Funk, Sara Peters, Pete Peters, Margaret Fehr, Veronica Thiessen, Diedrich Thiessen, Henry Harder, Cindy Harder;

baptism candidates: Aggie Harder, Lisa Braun, Trudy Peters.

We started the month with a baptism/membership reception on the 1st. What a blessing to hear the testimonies of how God has worked and continues to work in all the candidates.

We also put a float in the Straffordville Christmas parade every year and this year, despite the cold, we had a decent amount of youth and adults come out to participate.

Then come the banquets and programs. A lot of work gets put into it all, but it’s so worth it! We are blessed with so many willing volunteers who give of their time to make all these events happen!

Straffordville EMC’s float in the Christmas parade.